Although armies and navies have been fighting for thousands of years, air forces are fairly recent. 6:05 AMAir Force Although armies and navies have been fighting for thousands of years, air forces are fairly recent. An air force needs airplanes,...Read More
A navy is part of a country’s military force 6:04 AM Navy Have you ever wanted to look out over the ocean from the deck of an enormous ship? Or maybe you’ve dreamed of traveling in a submarin...Read More
An army is the portion of a country’s armed forces that fights on land. 6:04 AM Army What do knights wearing shining armor, archers carrying longbows, men marching in orderly lines, cannons, guns, and bombs have in co...Read More
Police enforce laws and maintain order 6:03 AM Police They enforce laws and maintain order. They investigate crimes and patrol neighborhoods to keep them safe. When there is an acciden...Read More
Pirates have been a threat since ancient times 6:02 AM Pirates Suddenly, across the green-foam waves a ship’s sail is sighted across the rolling waves. No country’s flag flaps atop the ship’s ...Read More