World War II 6:31 PM World War II was a global military conflict that, in terms of lives lost and material destruction, was the most devastating war in huma...Read More
World War I 6:24 PM World War I was one of the most devastating war that involves the commitment of nations and resources in the world history. The war was...Read More
Wars of Yugoslav Succession 6:15 PM Wars of Yugoslav Succession, armed conflicts within the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) during the 1990s. The SF...Read More
War of 1812 6:15 PM War of 1812, conflict between the United States and Britain that began in 1812 and lasted until early 1815. President James Madison req...Read More
Vietnam War 6:10 PM Vietnam War, also known as the Second Indochina War, military struggle fought in Vietnam from 1959 to 1975, involving the North Vietnam...Read More
U.S.-Iraq War 6:05 PM U.S.-Iraq War, military action begun in 2003 with a United States invasion of Iraq, then ruled by the authoritarian regime of Saddam Hu...Read More
Trojan War 6:02 PM Trojan War, in Greek legend, famous war waged by the Greeks against the city of Troy. The tradition is believed to reflect a real war b...Read More
Tet Offensive 6:01 PM Tet Offensive, military campaign of the Vietnam War (1959-1975), in which almost every major city and province in South Vietnam was att...Read More
Spanish-American War 6:00 PM Spanish-American War, brief war that the United States waged against Spain in 1898. Actual hostilities in the war lasted less than four...Read More
Persian Gulf War 5:56 PM Persian Gulf War, conflict beginning in August 1990, when Iraqi forces invaded and occupied Kuwait. The conflict culminated in fighting...Read More
Mexican War 5:54 PM Mexican War, conflict between the United States and Mexico, lasting from 1846 to 1848. The war resulted in a decisive U.S. victory and ...Read More
Korean War 5:52 PM Korean War, civil and military struggle that was fought on the Korea Peninsula and that reached its height between 1950 and 1953. The...Read More
Iran-Iraq War 5:50 PM Iran-Iraq War, armed conflict that began when Iraq invaded Iran in September 1980 and ended in August 1988 after both sides accepted a ...Read More
Hundred Years’ War 5:49 PM Hundred Years’ War, armed conflict between France and England during the years from 1337 to 1453. The Hundred Years’ War was a series o...Read More
French Revolution 5:47 PM French Revolution, major transformation of the society and political system of France, lasting from 1789 to 1799. During the course of ...Read More
French and Indian War 5:42 PM French and Indian War (1754-1763), the last of four North American wars waged from 1689 to 1763 between the British and the French. In ...Read More
D-Day Invasion 5:26 PM D-Day Invasion or Invasion of Normandy, the 1944 Allied assault on Nazi-occupied northern Europe that assembled the largest force in th...Read More
Cold War 5:24 PM Cold War, term used to describe the post-World War II struggle between the United States and its allies and the Union of Soviet Sociali...Read More
Battle of Waterloo 5:22 PM Battle of Waterloo, final and decisive action of the Napoleonic Wars, that effectively ended French domination of the European continen...Read More
Battle of Stalingrad 5:19 PM Battle of Stalingrad (1942-1943), World War II battle that halted the German advance into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR...Read More
Battle of Gettysburg 5:18 PM Battle of Gettysburg, battle fought July 1 through July 3, 1863, considered by most military historians the turning point in the Americ...Read More
Battle of Bunker Hill 5:16 PM Battle of Bunker Hill, first large-scale engagement of the American Revolution, fought on June 17, 1775, in Charlestown (now part of Bo...Read More