Persian Gulf War
Persian Gulf War, conflict beginning in August
1990, when Iraqi forces invaded and occupied Kuwait. The conflict culminated in
fighting in January and February 1991 between Iraq and an international
coalition of forces led by the United States. By the end of the war, the
coalition had driven the Iraqis from Kuwait.
The Iraqi-Kuwaiti border had been the focus of tension
in the past. Kuwait was nominally part of the Ottoman Empire from the 18th
century until 1899 when it asked for, and received, British protection in
return for autonomy in local affairs. In 1961 Britain granted Kuwait
independence, and Iraq revived an old claim that Kuwait had been governed as
part of an Ottoman province in southern Iraq and was therefore rightfully
Iraq’s. Iraq’s claim had little historical basis, however, and after intense global
pressure Iraq recognized Kuwait in 1963. Nonetheless, there were occasional
clashes along the Iraqi-Kuwaiti border, and relations between the two countries
were sometimes tense.
Relations between the two countries improved during the
Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988), when Kuwait assisted Iraq with loans and diplomatic
backing. After the war ended in 1988, the Iraqi government launched a costly
program of reconstruction. By 1990 Iraq had fallen $80 billion in debt and
demanded that Kuwait forgive its share of the debt and help with other
payments. At the same time, Iraq claimed that Kuwait was pumping oil from a
field that straddled the Iraqi-Kuwaiti border and was not sharing the revenue.
Iraq also accused Kuwait of producing more oil than allowed under quotas set by
the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), thereby depressing
the price of oil, Iraq’s main export.
Iraq’s complaints against Kuwait grew increasingly
harsh, but they were mostly about money and did not suggest that Iraq was about
to revive its land claim to Kuwait. When Iraqi forces began to mobilize near
the Kuwaiti border in the summer of 1990, several Arab states tried to mediate
the dispute. Kuwait, seeking to avoid looking like a puppet of outside powers,
did not call on the United States or other non-Arab powers for support. For
their part, the U.S. and other Western governments generally expected that at
worst Iraq would seize some border area to intimidate Kuwait, so they avoided
being pulled into the dispute. Arab mediators convinced Iraq and Kuwait to
negotiate their differences in Jiddah, Saudi Arabia, on August 1, 1990, but
that session resulted only in charges and countercharges. A second session was
scheduled to take place in Baghdād, the Iraqi capital, but Iraq invaded Kuwait
the next day, leading some observers to suspect that Iraqi president Saddam
Hussein had planned the invasion all along.
The Iraqi attack began shortly after midnight on
August 2. About 150,000 Iraqi troops, many of them veterans of the Iran-Iraq
War, easily overwhelmed the unprepared and inexperienced Kuwaiti forces, which
numbered about 20,000. By dawn Iraq had assumed control of Kuwait city, the
capital, and was soon in complete control of the country. Hussein’s political
strategy was less clear than his military strategy. The Iraqis initially posed
as liberators, hoping to appeal to Kuwaiti democrats who opposed the ruling
Sabah monarchy. When this claim attracted neither Kuwaiti nor international
support, it was dropped. In place of the Sabahs, most of whom fled during the
invasion, Iraq installed a puppet government.
The United Nations Security Council and the Arab
League immediately condemned the Iraqi invasion. Four days later, the Security
Council imposed an economic embargo on Iraq that prohibited nearly all trade
with Iraq. Iraq responded to the sanctions by annexing Kuwait on August 8,
prompting the exiled Sabah family to call for a stronger international
response. In October, Kuwait’s rulers met with their democratic opponents in
Jiddah, with the hope of uniting during the occupation. The Sabah family
promised the democrats that if returned to Kuwait, they would restore
constitutional rule and parliament (both of which had been suspended in 1986).
In return, the democrats pledged to support the government in exile. The
unified leadership proved useful in winning international support for an
eviction of Iraq. Fewer than half of all Kuwaitis stayed in Kuwait through the
occupation; of those who stayed, some formed resistance organizations but with
little effect.
Any armed attempt to roll back the Iraqi
invasion depended on Saudi Arabia, which shares a border with both Iraq and
Kuwait. Saudi Arabia had neither the power nor the inclination to fight Iraq
alone; if the Saudi government invited foreign troops into the country to
attack Iraq, however, it risked appearing to be under their influence. Saudi
rulers did eventually open the country to foreign forces, in large part because
they were alarmed by Iraq’s aggressive diplomacy and because U.S. intelligence
reports claimed that Iraqi forces were well positioned for a strike against
Saudi Arabia. Other Arab countries, such as Egypt, Syria, and the smaller states
along the Persian Gulf, feared that even if Iraq’s conquests stopped at Kuwait,
Iraq could still intimidate the rest of the region. Western powers supported a
rollback of Iraqi forces because they were afraid Iraq could now dominate
international oil supplies. Finally, other members of the United Nations (UN)
did not want to allow one UN member state to eliminate another.
Beginning a week after the Iraqi takeover of Kuwait
and continuing for several months, a large international force gathered in
Saudi Arabia. The United States sent more than 400,000 troops, and more than
200,000 additional troops came from Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, France,
Kuwait, Egypt, Syria, Senegal, Niger, Morocco, Bangladesh, Pakistan, the United
Arab Emirates, Qatar, Oman, and Bahrain. Other countries contributed ships, air
forces, and medical units, including Canada, Italy, Argentina, Australia,
Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Czechoslovakia, New Zealand,
the Netherlands, Poland, and South Korea. Still other countries made other
contributions: Turkey allowed air bases on its territory to be used by
coalition planes, and Japan and Germany gave financial support. The initial
goal of the force was to prevent further Iraqi action, but most countries were
aware the force might ultimately be used to drive Iraq from Kuwait.
The Iraqis tried to deter and split the
growing international coalition through several means. They made it clear that
their adversaries would pay heavily if war broke out, and they hinted they
would use chemical weapons and missile attacks on cities, as they had against
Iran during the Iran-Iraq War. Iraq also detained citizens of coalition
countries who had been in Kuwait at the time of the invasion and said they
would be held in militarily sensitive areas—in effect using them as human
shields to deter coalition attacks. Iraq eventually released the last of the
foreigners in December 1990 under pressure from several Arab nations. In an
effort to weaken Arab support within the coalition, Iraq tried to link its
occupation of Kuwait to the larger Arab-Israeli conflict in the region. The
Iraqis argued that since the UN had not forced Israel to leave Arab territories
it occupied during and after the Six-Day War of 1967, it should not force Iraq
to leave Kuwait. The Iraqis further implied they might leave Kuwait if Israel
withdrew from the Occupied Territories. Several Arab countries responded
positively to Iraq’s statements; however, most of these were states such as
Jordan and Yemen, which were not part of the coalition. Only in Morocco and
Syria did government support for coalition involvement weaken as a result of
Iraq’s initiative.
The coalition’s greatest military concern during the
closing months of 1990 was that Iraqi forces would attack before coalition
forces were fully in place, but no such attack took place. The coalition was
also troubled that Iraq might partially withdraw from Kuwait, which could split
the coalition between nations eager to avoid fighting and nations wanting to
push for full withdrawal. The United States in particular feared that signs of
progress might lessen the resolve of some coalition partners and so discouraged
attempts to mediate the crisis. Iraq’s uncompromising stand helped build
support among coalition members for the American hard line.
On November 29, with coalition forces massing
in Saudi Arabia and Iraq showing no signs of retreat, the UN Security Council
passed a resolution to allow member states to “use all necessary means” to
force Iraq from Kuwait if Iraq remained in the country after January 15, 1991.
The Iraqis rejected the ultimatum. Soon after the vote, the United States
agreed to a direct meeting between Secretary of State James Baker and Iraq’s
foreign minister. The two sides met on January 9. Neither offered to
compromise. The United States underscored the ultimatum, and the Iraqis refused
to comply with it, even threatening to attack Israel. For the United States,
the meeting was its way of showing the conflict could not be resolved through
A large minority of the U.S. population
opposed military action. Opponents were concerned that the armed forces would
suffer large casualties and argued that the only reason for the invasion was to
guarantee a cheap supply of oil. Many such opponents thought economic sanctions
would eventually force Iraq to leave Kuwait. President George Bush maintained
that larger political principles were involved and that economic sanctions
would not work. He also argued that the UN resolution gave him the authority to
use military force. Other Americans believed the president did not have the
constitutional authority to order an attack without a congressional declaration
of war. On January 12, 1991, the U.S. Congress narrowly passed a resolution
authorizing the president to use force, nullifying the domestic debate.
When the UN deadline of January 15 passed
without an Iraqi withdrawal, a vast majority of coalition members joined in the
decision to attack Iraq. A few members, such as Morocco, elected not to take
part in the military strikes. In the early morning of January 17, 1991,
coalition forces began a massive air attack on Iraqi targets.
The air assault had three goals: to attack Iraqi
air defenses, to disrupt command and control, and to weaken ground forces in
and around Kuwait. The coalition made swift progress against Iraq’s air
defenses, giving the coalition almost uncontested control of the skies over
Iraq and Kuwait. The second task, disrupting command and control, was larger
and more difficult. It required attacks on the Iraqi electrical system,
communications centers, roads and bridges, and other military and government
targets. These targets were often located in civilian areas and were typically
used by both civilians and the military. Although the coalition air forces
often used very precise weapons, the attacks caused many civilian casualties
and completely disrupted Iraqi civilian life. The third task, weakening Iraq’s
ground forces, was larger still. The coalition used less sophisticated weaponry
to strike Iraqi defensive positions in both Iraq and Kuwait, to destroy their
equipment, and to undermine morale. After five and a half weeks of intense
bombing and more than 100,000 flights by coalition planes, Iraq’s forces were
severely damaged.
In an attempt to pry the coalition apart,
Iraq fired Scud missiles at both Saudi Arabia and Israel, which especially
disrupted Israeli civilian life. Iraq could thus portray its Arab adversaries
as fighting on the side of Israel. The strategy failed to split the coalition,
in part because the Israeli government did not retaliate. Iraq also issued
thinly veiled threats that it would use chemical and biological weapons. The
United States hinted in return that such an attack might provoke a massive
response, possibly including the use of nuclear weapons. Iraqi ground forces
also initiated a limited amount of ground fighting, occupying the Saudi border
town of Khafji on January 30 before being driven back.
One month into the air war, the Iraqis began
negotiating with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) over a plan to
withdraw from Kuwait. Had this initiative come before the start of the
coalition’s attack, it might have split the coalition; now it simply seemed a
sign that the war was weighing heavily on Iraq. The war made diplomacy
difficult for Iraq: officials had to travel overland to Iran and then fly to
Moscow to ferry messages back and forth. Sensing victory, the coalition united
behind a demand for Iraq’s unconditional withdrawal from Kuwait.
On February 24 the coalition launched its
long-anticipated land offensive. The bulk of the attack was in southwestern Iraq,
where coalition forces first moved north, then turned east toward the Iraqi
port of Al Başrah. This maneuver surrounded Kuwait, encircling the Iraqi forces
there and in southern Iraq, and allowed coalition forces (mainly Arab) to move
up the coast and take Kuwait city. Some Iraqi units resisted, but the coalition
offensive advanced more quickly than anticipated. Thousands of Iraqi troops
surrendered. Others deserted. Iraq then focused its efforts on withdrawing its
elite units and sabotaging Kuwaiti infrastructure and industry. Many oil wells
were set on fire, creating huge oil lakes, thick black smoke, and other
environmental damage. Two days after the ground war began, Iraq announced it
was leaving Kuwait.
On February 28, with the collapse of Iraqi resistance
and the recapture of Kuwait—thereby fulfilling the coalition’s stated goals—the
coalition declared a cease-fire. The land war had lasted precisely 100 hours.
The cease-fire came shortly before coalition forces would have surrounded Iraqi
forces. On March 2 the UN Security Council issued a resolution laying down the
conditions for the cease-fire, which were accepted by Iraq in a meeting of
military commanders on March 3. More extensive aims, such as overthrowing the
Iraqi government or destroying Iraqi forces, did not have the support of all
coalition members. Most Arab members, for example, believed the war was fought
to restore one Arab country and not to destroy another. The United States also
worried that extending the goal would have involved them in endless fighting.
The Iraqis achieved none of their initial goals.
Rather than enhancing their economic, military, and political position, they
were economically devastated, militarily defeated, and politically isolated.
Yet because the government and many of the military forces remained intact, the
Iraqis could claim mere survival as a victory. The surviving military forces
were used a short time later to suppress two postwar rebellions: one involving
Shia Muslims in southern Iraq and one involving Kurds in the north.
Almost all of the casualties occurred on the
Iraqi side. While estimates during the war had ranged from 10,000 to 100,000
Iraqis killed, Western military experts now agree that Iraq sustained between
20,000 and 35,000 casualties. The coalition losses were extremely light by
comparison: 240 were killed, 148 of whom were American. The number of wounded
totaled 776, of whom 458 were American.
The end of the fighting left some key issues unresolved,
including UN sanctions against Iraq, which did not end with the war. On April
2, 1991, the Security Council laid out strict demands for ending the sanctions:
Iraq would have to accept liability for damages, destroy its chemical and
biological weapons and ballistic missiles, forego any nuclear weapons programs,
and accept international inspections to ensure these conditions were met. If
Iraq complied with these and other resolutions, the UN would discuss removing
the sanctions. Iraq resisted, claiming that its withdrawal from Kuwait was
sufficient compliance.
Many Western observers believed the victory was hollow
because Saddam Hussein was still in power. At first, when Hussein was greatly
weakened, Western powers believed a rebellion might succeed in overthrowing
him. Meanwhile, potential rebels within Iraq believed they might receive
international help if they rebelled. But when the Shia population of southern
Iraq rebelled shortly after the cease-fire, they were greeted not with
international help but with Iraqi military forces returning from the southern
front. It quickly became clear that the rebels would receive no international
help, although several governments gave them verbal support. Under the terms of
the cease-fire, which established “no-fly zones” in the north and south, Iraqis
could not attack the Shias with airplanes, but could use helicopters, which
they did to great effect. Spontaneous and loosely organized, the rebellion was
crushed almost as quickly as it arose.
The defeat of the Shias made the debate over
helping Iraqi rebels even more urgent. Ultimately, however, most Western
governments decided that if Hussein collapsed, Iraq might disintegrate,
ushering in a new round of regional instability. A short while later, Kurds in
the north of the country rebelled, and they too received no help. The Kurds
were able to withstand Hussein longer than the Shias, in part because they had
a history of organized, armed resistance. In the end, though, the Kurds
achieved only a very modest success: a UN-guaranteed haven in the extreme north
of the country. No permanent solution—such as Kurdish self-rule—was negotiated.
Elsewhere the effects of the war were less severe. In
Kuwait the prewar regime was restored, and in 1992 the emir, Sheikh Jaber
al-Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah, honored his pledge in exile to reconvene the
country’s parliament. Palestinians in Kuwait fared poorly after the war, in
large part because Yasir Arafat of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
and other prominent Palestinians had endorsed Hussein and his anti-Israeli
rhetoric. Blamed for collaborating with the Iraqis, most of the Palestinian
population (estimated at 400,000 before the war) was expelled from Kuwait or
forbidden to return.
Following the war, thousands of American soldiers
developed mild to debilitating health problems, including abdominal pain,
diarrhea, insomnia, short-term memory loss, rashes, headaches, blurred vision,
and aching joints. The symptoms became known collectively as Gulf War syndrome
but their cause was unknown. Speculation about the cause centered on exposure
to chemical and biological weapons; experimental drugs given to troops to
protect against chemical weapons; vaccinations against illness and disease;
insecticides sprayed over troop-populated areas; and smoke from burning oil
wells ignited by retreating Iraqis. The U.S. Department of Defense originally
stated it had no conclusive evidence that troops had been exposed to chemical
or biological weapons. However, in 1996 the department acknowledged that more
than 20,000 American troops may have been exposed to sarin, a toxic nerve gas (see
Chemical and Biological Warfare). In 1997 the U.S. Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA) suggested the deadly gas may have spread farther than previously
thought, affecting perhaps hundreds of thousands of troops.
The UN continued to maintain most of the
economic embargo on Iraq after the war, and several coalition countries
enforced other sanctions, such as the no-fly zones. In 1995 the UN amended the
sanctions to allow Iraq to sell limited amounts of oil for food and medicine if
it also designated some of the revenue to pay for damages caused by the war;
Iraq initially rejected this plan but then accepted it in 1996.
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