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Staffs in Wild Jubilation Over The Sack of Dr. Angela Uwakwem The CMD Of FMC Owerri (Party Photos)

This is indeed not the best of time for the chief medical director of the Federal Medical center Owerri, Dr Mrs Angela Uwakwemh. The hospital boss was sacked few days ago and the premises of the FMC went wild and agog with celebration.

The embattled ex CMD has been in the news of late over the running battle she was having with the staff of the hospital because alleged cases of nepotism, occultic practices within the hospital premises, high handiness and allegedly  enriching herself from the coffers of the medical center to the detriment of her staff.

See the party photos after the cut

At a point, the staff  of the center went on strike, demanding for her sack and from what we gathered, she was suspended on Monday this week to enable the investigative panel do their job without interference , an announcement that interpreted to mean that the thorn in their flesh have been sacked and that triggered off massive jubilation in the medical center and  the staff of the center went on dancing spree as the pictures below shows

Chukwudiiwuchukwu.blogspot.com is reporting that it was so serious that they invited a DJ for  the sack party.

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