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Before You Call Him Your Dream Man. Pls Read This

Dear Laila, I want to address all greedy female blog reader building castles in the air.
I often hear ladies say: i want to a marry a guy that has made it in life. I find it difficult to stop laughing when ever i hear such. What do you ladies really call MAKING IT OR SUCCESS? some ladies need to get this FACT ONCE AND FOR ALL. their is a KIND of money A NIGERIAN GUY between the age of 25-35 years can NEVER make.
Be it working class or business man except he is any of the following:
( 1) A good footballer playing in Europe
(2) intelligent yahoo yahoo guys
(3) correct Armed robber (ONYE ORI)
(4) inherited wealth ( my papa money) .

(5) drug dealers and couriers
(6) human ritualists
(7) kidnappers
Make una shine una eyes and accept honest hardworking men with potential instead of following an already made 24 year old boy with jeeps bought with dirty money. These things always backfire later in life either in the children produced while the unlucky ones end up dead or in jail.

by johnson Ugochukwu

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