60 Year Old Vicar Marries His Pregnant 19 Year Old Girlfriend With His Wife's Blessings
Most women would hit the roof if their beloved husband got his 19-year-old girlfriend pregnant.
But Belinda Miller told her husband Thom, a 60-year-old vicar, to go ahead and marry his mistress - with her blessing.
Thom Miller, a former mafia enforcer who found God in prison, is now building a massive home in their hometown of Mansfield, Ohio, with one wing for each wife.
Belinda, 44, and Reba, 19, claim to both be perfectly happy with a life of polygamy, but Reverend Miller stresses that he is the only person in their relationship allowed to have more than one partner.
The polygamist vicar will split his time between the pair.
He currently lives in a smaller home and has each of his wives spend three nights with him before the other one takes her turn.
Thom, a former mafia enforcer turned pastor, had talked about polygamy with his first wife Belinda but it was seven years before they settled on 19-year-old Reba Kerfootruba joining their family. He has known Reba since she was a child.
Reba said: 'At first my family thought that what we were doing was not right. They didn't think it was proper for me to be with a man that was already married.
'But they started to come around and now they're happy as they know I am happy.
Having to share him with another woman can be kind of upsetting at times.
'But I try not to get jealous and when it's not my time with Thom I just try to occupy myself by going out friends.
'The baby will have two moms which I'm okay with.'
Mrs Miller said: 'We kind of make jokes about the baby and where he or she will sleep because we've got two separate master suites - in case mommy Reba needs a break then mommy Belinda can have the baby for the night.'
'I'm definitely excited there's going to be a little human part of us, part of the family,' Rev. Miller added.
The couple got close to Ms Kerfoot while volunteering at a soup kitchen and she moved in with them shortly after.
Rev. Miller was a friend of Ms Kerfoot's family and knew her when she was younger but claims he was surprised when they met again and she had become a woman.
Rev. Miller added: 'I've known Reba for a long time, then she moved away and I hadn't seen her for years.
'I caught something because she hugged me and I wanted to keep hugging her and I realised, wow, I'm really appreciating this woman.'
The pair married at Thom's church just seven years after he had the exact same ceremony with Belinda.
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