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Blog Reader Urgently Needs Your Advice - Guy Started Treating Her Like an Outcast after She Spent a Night with Him

Good day Laila.....I'm a frequent visitor of your blog...but I've never commented please sorry about the typo ...buh I can't think straight at the moment...I really need you to post this as a narrative ... 
I met this dude a year ago, a mutual friend gave him my pin and we got talking on BBM ...we kinda lost contact after some time.... Fast forward to 3months ago, he sent me a message on WhatsApp and we started talking again...he calls me all the names...and he's known by my siblings... 
He asked me to come visit him...and we started dating from there...I really thought he was the one for me...cos I love him real bad...buh I went to visit him few days ago and after spending a night with him, he started treating me like an outcast...I practically left his place stranded..... 
My problem is I've been drinking n smoking (weed) just to forget him buh I can't... I've begged him ..I think I've even lost my self-respect... Buh I keep feeling like I'm gonna die ...my chest hurts so bad.....what do I do to forget him?..

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