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Should She Help Her Man Pay Her Brideprice?

I heard this story from a friend who knows someone who knows someone it is happening to. Lol

The guy is a serving corp member while the lady is a nurse, but they have been dating since their university days. The girls family want her to marry a certain suitor who is well connected with the Plateau state government, but the lady has eyes only for her corp member boyfriend.

Now, the family says they will only accept the guy is serious if he comes and married their daughter before his service year is over, so the guy went with his family to collect the list. The problem is the figure of the things on the list is like 'binary numbers'. Lol

The lady is earning a reasonable salary because she works in a big private hospital in town and she is contemplating helping the guy pay for some of the things on the list since is he is still unemployed and his 19k NYSC allowee will not even scratch the surface of the wedding preparations.

What do you think they should do?

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