Hot Seat Monday!!!!
Hey beautiful people, welcome to the first episode of Hot Seat Mondays.. And who better to kick start the 2016 edition of HSM than one of the most beautiful, most delightful personality on LailasBlog.
She's been with this family from the get go...
Without further ado guys, I give you the charming, the delectable Ogechi Juliet.....
TILB: Sweetie, good to have you on our first HSM for the year
Ogechi: Aww thank my dear Austin
TILB: You're welcome dear... So tell us more about yourself
Ogechi: Oh ok... My names are ogechi ujunwa adaora uves obiekwe (that's a lot bah lol) . Am a native of aguobu iwollo in Ezeagu LGA of Enugu State. I was born and brought up here in coal city state (Enugu). Am studying Chemistry under science laboratory technology in federal polytechnic anambra state ,Nigeria. Am from a family of 4, 2 boys and 2girls. Am actually d 1st girl and the 2nd child in d family. So I have 2 younger ones. I can also be classified as a shy, jovial, funny babe lol
TILB: Wow.. That's wonderful dear. Amazing stuff, and yeah, that's one long
Ogechi: Hahha thanks dearie. Na so I see am o
TILB: hahaha.. It is well. So how does it feel to kick start the first HSM OF 2016?
Ogechi: Well I have to be sincere in this one o. At first, I was so nervous and it took me a while to get back to my normal self lol. But am loving the feeling now. Thanks for making me the first this year. The feeling is amazing !!
TILB: We’re happy to have you darling… Talking about this year… got any resolutions?
Ogechi: Not really. But I promised to improve in places I got lapses last year. I don't like making resolutions because as we all know, no one is perfect. But I will keep being myself and improve where necessary.
TILB: That’s true dear…. So what can you say are your best and worst moments in 2015?
Ogechi: Ok let me start with the worst... I will say when I got critically ill. Around November and It was unexpected. I actually collapsed in my home in front of my parents and the next place I saw my self was on the hospital bed, where I have never visited since I started understanding life. And I was diagnosed with Low bp, malaria parasite, and typhoid and fever. And my bp kept on declining everyday. It might be 60/40 this minute, next will just be 40, And I was few days away from my school exams.
I was lying in that hospital bed with lots of thought going through my head. Like I can’t miss my exams, what will I do, I can't afford to have extra year. Seeing everyone coming to visit me there(at the hospital) really broke my heart because I have never found myself in such state before. Even though I appreciated their love by coming to see and be with me. seeing my dear mum crying and trying all her best as a nurse too. I actually took about 12 drips and lots of injections, still no improvements and my exams drawing closer (2days to go). I was lying there hopelessly and almost giving up.
I had to tell my mum that I was tired of everything. Immediately I heard a very big thunderous slap on my cheek and it was from my mother. She gave me serious warning not to ever say I was tired again. From that moment , my eye clear like touch light. And she started praying and crying. Sincerely , that tears broke my heart even more(crying), and I asked her to call the nurse to come check my BP again. When she did, it was 100/70 . I saw that smile in her face and expression of hope .everyone in the hospital was happy even the doctor. my dear, it was a miracle.
That the worst and my best moment in 2015.
TILB: Wow... God is indeed great. We bless him for your sake dear
Ogechi: Yea he is indeed a wonderful God. I owe him a lot.
TILB: We all do my dear.... So dear, where do you see yourself in the next five years?
Ogechi: In the next five years, I should have a well paying job , a family of my own, lots of investments and my own NGO
TILB: That's amazing.... What would the NGO be about?
Ogechi: It will be about health and life threatening diseases. I can't go into much details now. But will let u guys know when its formed properly .its going to add a great value to our nation and beyond (hopefully). So you guys have to be patient with me *shines teeth*
TILB: Wish you all the best dear
Ogechi: Thanks my darling
TILB: You're welcome.... So is Ogechi Juliet in a relationship or single and ready to mingle? Lol
Ogechi: Lol am in a relationship dear.
TILB: Great... Was it love at first sight?
Ogechi: Nah!!! I don't believe in love at first sight . does that really happen? I doubt.
TILB: Thank you !!!! Lol.. Don't believe in it too.... Anyways dear, is there any blog reader you're presently "crushing" on?
Ogechi: Hahahha yes oo. I use to crush on kclub aka my pumpkin. I don flunt my self tire and he no notice my green light. So I don quench am with immediate effect lol.
TILB: Hahahahahaha... Bros Kclub, come out got a case to answer So dear, describe LailasBlog in one word?
Ogechi: Amazing!!!!
TILB: True that... Final words for fellow blog readers.....?
Ogechi: Oh ok..
My fellow lailans, u all know I love u guys with all my heart. And I wish I can see each and everyone of you and have a fun filled moment with everyone, because u guys are really something else. *smiles.
We shouldn't ever look down on people because anyone can come up.
Always cast all your worries to God because there is absolutely nothing he can't do. When you think all hope is lost, look up to him. He has the best plans for us all. One day, people who never believed in you, will brag about how they use to know you. Keep your head straight and be focused on better things ahead.
Always endeavor to do the right thing, at the right time. And always wear a smile, because it helps. ONE LOVE!!
TILB: It's been an honor chatting you up, sweetie… thanks for your time
Ogechi: Thank you for having me… and thanks to Laila too… I love you, Laila
So guys, there you have it… the gorgeous Ogechi Juliet kick starting our 2016 HSM series in her usual grand style. Feel free to ask her more questions and I am sure she'll be happy to answer. Happy new year once more guys and remember every one of you is a celebrity…… gracias !!!
She's been with this family from the get go...
Without further ado guys, I give you the charming, the delectable Ogechi Juliet.....
TILB: Sweetie, good to have you on our first HSM for the year
Ogechi: Aww thank my dear Austin
TILB: You're welcome dear... So tell us more about yourself
Ogechi: Oh ok... My names are ogechi ujunwa adaora uves obiekwe (that's a lot bah lol) . Am a native of aguobu iwollo in Ezeagu LGA of Enugu State. I was born and brought up here in coal city state (Enugu). Am studying Chemistry under science laboratory technology in federal polytechnic anambra state ,Nigeria. Am from a family of 4, 2 boys and 2girls. Am actually d 1st girl and the 2nd child in d family. So I have 2 younger ones. I can also be classified as a shy, jovial, funny babe lol
TILB: Wow.. That's wonderful dear. Amazing stuff, and yeah, that's one long
Ogechi: Hahha thanks dearie. Na so I see am o
TILB: hahaha.. It is well. So how does it feel to kick start the first HSM OF 2016?
Ogechi: Well I have to be sincere in this one o. At first, I was so nervous and it took me a while to get back to my normal self lol. But am loving the feeling now. Thanks for making me the first this year. The feeling is amazing !!
TILB: We’re happy to have you darling… Talking about this year… got any resolutions?
Ogechi: Not really. But I promised to improve in places I got lapses last year. I don't like making resolutions because as we all know, no one is perfect. But I will keep being myself and improve where necessary.
TILB: That’s true dear…. So what can you say are your best and worst moments in 2015?
Ogechi: Ok let me start with the worst... I will say when I got critically ill. Around November and It was unexpected. I actually collapsed in my home in front of my parents and the next place I saw my self was on the hospital bed, where I have never visited since I started understanding life. And I was diagnosed with Low bp, malaria parasite, and typhoid and fever. And my bp kept on declining everyday. It might be 60/40 this minute, next will just be 40, And I was few days away from my school exams.
I was lying in that hospital bed with lots of thought going through my head. Like I can’t miss my exams, what will I do, I can't afford to have extra year. Seeing everyone coming to visit me there(at the hospital) really broke my heart because I have never found myself in such state before. Even though I appreciated their love by coming to see and be with me. seeing my dear mum crying and trying all her best as a nurse too. I actually took about 12 drips and lots of injections, still no improvements and my exams drawing closer (2days to go). I was lying there hopelessly and almost giving up.
I had to tell my mum that I was tired of everything. Immediately I heard a very big thunderous slap on my cheek and it was from my mother. She gave me serious warning not to ever say I was tired again. From that moment , my eye clear like touch light. And she started praying and crying. Sincerely , that tears broke my heart even more(crying), and I asked her to call the nurse to come check my BP again. When she did, it was 100/70 . I saw that smile in her face and expression of hope .everyone in the hospital was happy even the doctor. my dear, it was a miracle.
That the worst and my best moment in 2015.
TILB: Wow... God is indeed great. We bless him for your sake dear
Ogechi: Yea he is indeed a wonderful God. I owe him a lot.
TILB: We all do my dear.... So dear, where do you see yourself in the next five years?
Ogechi: In the next five years, I should have a well paying job , a family of my own, lots of investments and my own NGO
TILB: That's amazing.... What would the NGO be about?
Ogechi: It will be about health and life threatening diseases. I can't go into much details now. But will let u guys know when its formed properly .its going to add a great value to our nation and beyond (hopefully). So you guys have to be patient with me *shines teeth*
TILB: Wish you all the best dear
Ogechi: Thanks my darling
TILB: You're welcome.... So is Ogechi Juliet in a relationship or single and ready to mingle? Lol
Ogechi: Lol am in a relationship dear.
TILB: Great... Was it love at first sight?
Ogechi: Nah!!! I don't believe in love at first sight . does that really happen? I doubt.
TILB: Thank you !!!! Lol.. Don't believe in it too.... Anyways dear, is there any blog reader you're presently "crushing" on?
Ogechi: Hahahha yes oo. I use to crush on kclub aka my pumpkin. I don flunt my self tire and he no notice my green light. So I don quench am with immediate effect lol.
TILB: Hahahahahaha... Bros Kclub, come out got a case to answer So dear, describe LailasBlog in one word?
Ogechi: Amazing!!!!
TILB: True that... Final words for fellow blog readers.....?
Ogechi: Oh ok..
My fellow lailans, u all know I love u guys with all my heart. And I wish I can see each and everyone of you and have a fun filled moment with everyone, because u guys are really something else. *smiles.
We shouldn't ever look down on people because anyone can come up.
Always cast all your worries to God because there is absolutely nothing he can't do. When you think all hope is lost, look up to him. He has the best plans for us all. One day, people who never believed in you, will brag about how they use to know you. Keep your head straight and be focused on better things ahead.
Always endeavor to do the right thing, at the right time. And always wear a smile, because it helps. ONE LOVE!!
TILB: It's been an honor chatting you up, sweetie… thanks for your time
Ogechi: Thank you for having me… and thanks to Laila too… I love you, Laila
So guys, there you have it… the gorgeous Ogechi Juliet kick starting our 2016 HSM series in her usual grand style. Feel free to ask her more questions and I am sure she'll be happy to answer. Happy new year once more guys and remember every one of you is a celebrity…… gracias !!!
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