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Woman Gives Birth In Toilet, Then Walks Away Leaving Behind Baby, Placenta And Blood (Pic+Vid))

A woman who is reportedly homeless, walked into a into the toilet of fast food chain Subway, gave birth without help, then walked out leaving her baby behind.

They released CCTV footage showing the woman stagger out of the West Covina restaurant after she had been in the toilet for ten minutes.

When staff heard him crying in the restroom they found a placenta in the trash bin and an umbilical cord hanging from the toilet, while the baby was partially submerged in the toilet.

The mother, Mary Grace Trinidad, aged 38,  left behind a trail of blood which officers used to track her down to a Pep Boys store in the same shopping center and arrested her

Trinidad faces charges of attempted murder and child abandonment. Bail will be set at $2 million. She was also wanted on a $30,000 warrant for drug charges.

See video below

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