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Dear World, Check Out what My Readers Wore to Church Today

I love my TILB readers - everyday, everytime! Dear World, hope you are ready for them??

Check out what my people wore to church today, guys. First up is Oyechristy:

Good afternoon Laila...my name is Oyechristy...and this is what I rocked to church today...the name of my church is St Fidelis Catholic, aka the special dwelling place of
God. Its in benin city. I love my church because of the love,togetherness ,teachings  and doctrines of the church...the church is my second family..wishing all tilb readers an awesome week.

Up second is PASCHAL:

Hello Laila, this is my Sunday outfit with my swaggalicious sis!!!
I love St. Mary's Catholic Church Awada Onitsha. The church is very beautiful, the choir is superb and the band mesmerizes. It's always wonderful to worship with honest devotion!!!

And we have Peace Nwokocha up next:

 Good day Laila, I'm Peace. Here's my Sunday outfit. The name of my church is God's Palace Ministry. I love my church because we act like family and they contribute to my spiritual growth.

Please meet Moses Sunama and Amatsai Bala:

Hello Laila, this is our look to church today. We are writing you from Yola and our church is Protestant Church, NAF Base Yola. We love our church.
Last but not the least is Brave Kiki:
Hi Laila, My name is Kiki, I attend Redeemed! Dats my look to church today! 

You are all beautiful people, Oyechristy, Paschal, Peace,  Moses Sunama, Amatsai Bala and Kiki. Thank you so much for sharing these pics with us. Oya guys, over to you.

Remember, you can always send me your photos. Send them to Lailasblog@gmail.com

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