The saddest moment of my life was when I became helpless and powerless to help myself and the people around me.
There are many occasions that I find myself helpless and powerless and fear gripped me. Our adversaries attacked us and scattered all our windows while we were in the house with guns and all other instruments of war but without a bomb. They attacked innocent neighbours and friends within the environment and I became helpless and powerless. You can get the idea of what I mean by reading ‘Twilight by Omode Jokpeme Joseph”
A person may find it hard to identify what is fear and what is truly happening.
When reacting to nonexistent situations, conjured up by fears, this leaves the person on the receiving end in a relationship in distrust or tip toeing around your fears so you do not feel this way. This is an uncomfortable position to be in, when you constantly have to prove yourself to be innocent when your partners fears already have you judged and juried.
It is normal to have fear of some sort sooner or later in any relationship. The key is to be able to identify whether these are thoughts of fear or whether the fearful thoughts are brought on from realistic situations.
Face your fears and ask yourself, is this really something to be fearful of? If you do not identify the difference between fearful thoughts and actual circumstances, fear will lead you to one place and that is alone.
Fear breaks down communication and adds stress on the relationship. Eventually if allowed to do so, constant fears will be the leader to the end of your relationship. Fear stops any healthy growth and before you know it, it takes over.
It is really necessary to train your perceptive powers to distinguish right and wrong so that you will not fall victim of fear. This perceptive power provides structure for determining what is good or bad. It enables one to recognize what is hazardous to the spiritual path of me.
It is my prayer that my eyes should pass on from seeing what is worthless so that I will not be captured by its subtle approach.
Running from Fear
My heart suffers and bears the consequences
When I fall victim of any predicament
And my heart fears dangers ahead
That I even find it difficult to eat meals
Because I am overcome with horror.
The rate at which my heart pants for comfort
When astonished and overcome with fear
Is beyond measurement.
My heart and soul suffers the consequences
When I fall victim of any predicament
That sometimes I regret being a victim.
The pleasure I derive from the desires
And the lust of my flesh drives the heart crazy
That the rate at which my heart
Pants for comfort is beyond measurement
The flesh enjoys its pleasures
As the soul suffers the consequences.
Sometimes I am afraid of fear,
Sometimes I am afraid of being a victim
Sometimes I am afraid of being overcome by fear.
Sometimes I run never to experience fear,
Sometimes I fly from its frustrating power;
Sometimes I withdraw myself from evil
So never to be in its bondage;
So never to panic.
The earth thunders and my heart cries;
I am ever watchful, never to give in,
Never to fall;
Never to be trapped,
Never to be captured by its power.
I run from signs of danger,
I run for comfort and safety.
Its power corrupts my thinking;
Its power corrupts my moral values
And its power even damage my relationship with God Almighty.
I am like someone stabbed with a knife;
Like a wounded lion,
So restless and helpless;
So feeble and wretched,
And so bitter like vinegar.
I am so afraid of fear
That my ability to make sound moral decisions
May be severely impaired
Which points to the influence
That the eyes have on my thinking and my emotion.
Fear! Fear!!
You are my mortal enemy,
Why were you ever created?
Why can’t I live without you?
Why do you make me panic?
Why do you make me helpless?
Why do you corrupt my moral values?
Why do you corrupt my thinking?
And why do you decide to damage
My relationship with the supreme creator?
Since you think you can’t be overcome;
I will make all necessary moves
To eradicate you out of my world,
Out of my life and mind,
I shall overcome you with love and love I shall embrace.
Grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference!
And help me so never to be helpless.
Oh God! Make my eyes pass on
From seeing what is worthless
And train my perceptive powers
To distinguish
And run from fear.
I have observed that what you picture in your mind is what the mind will go to work on to accomplish. And this I taught about for so many times and I couldn’t hold on any longer and I can’t let go now. I think the thing I am most terrified of, so much so that sometimes I can't breathe or feel sick, is being helpless. Like, I freak out thinking about if there was a war, and a bomb was heading towards me, and I was helpless to do anything to stop it or may be someone who is part of my life like brothers, sisters and siblings and relatives. I don't think I am too afraid of dying; it’s mainly the helplessness in situations... I think that it's fairly common, not to that extent, but no one likes to feel helpless! I worry about these things often but I have heard people talking anxiety disorders so I tend to be worried about everything! You need to realize that you need to focus on the things you can change and be in control of, not the things that you don't! I know, easier said than done! You’re creating a lot of anxiety for yourself by doing this!!I read this somewhere: My biggest fear in life is exactly the same thing - helplessness. I may have been more curious than scared, but I was definitely obsessed with the idea. These days I'm more worried about my life just going really bad, and me ending up with no money or no friends or losing my loved ones or something like that, but completely unable to do anything about it, just having to watch my whole life go down the drain.
I think I would freak out more about natural disasters if I let myself think about them. But when I had that whole tornado obsession my dad would tell me not to worry about things unless they happened, and for some reason that has made more sense to me as I've gotten older. Sometimes I do imagine something bad happening, but as a scenario in which everything works out alright. If I do start freaking myself out I make myself stop thinking about it. Like if I think about a loved one dying I often end up crying and worried that somehow I've jinxed them. But then I just tell myself that if that is going to happen, I can't stop it or foresee it and would worry about it then, but drop the idea for the time being.
Most times that I have observe things in this life about fear are that the heart suffers when someone falls a victim of any predicament. It is not really that easy but the heart fears dangers ahead that so many people find it difficult to eat meals which can eventually lead to death. And the rate at which the heart pants for comfort when overcome by fear is beyond measurement. The pleasure derived from the desires and lusts of the flesh drives the heart crazy. The flesh enjoys its pleasure while the heart bears the burden and the consequences.
The power of fear is so influential that it can corrupt your relationship with God Almighty and will be make someone helpless, feeble and restless. It can cause so may damage and I have been able to capture few ways that fear corrupts relationship below.
There are many common ways that fear hurts your relationships. Fear of the unknown is one of the worst fears of all and the biggest problem with the progression of any relationship is that the future of it is largely unknown.
When two people begin a relationship, they are stepping out over a chasm in a sense. They may very well know little about one another and the process of acquiring that necessary knowledge is not always an easy nor a painless one. No two people are alike on this planet and very often one of the partners - or both - in a relationship can have a fear regarding how the other person will react when they find out certain facts or information about them.
If someone in a developing relationship has a fear regarding how the other person will react to certain knowledge, they essentially have two principal alternatives. They can effectively bite the bullet, impart the controversial information and take the results on the chin, or they can attempt to cover up the relevant information at their peril. The problem with the latter option is that the fear will remain with them at all times, in the sense that they will be afraid of their partner at some stage discovering that which they have chosen to cover up. They will know that if their guilty little secret is ever discovered, the consequences will almost certainly be far worse than if they had shared the knowledge in the first instance. This type of fear can affect a relationship through additional stress and anguish on the part of one of the partners.
Fear can also hurt a relationship if one partner is particularly fearful of losing the other. They can become overly protective, overly inquisitive as to where they have been at certain times and with whom. This can create immense friction in relationships and lead to one partner feeling stifled by the attentions of the other. Relationships worth having are founded and based upon trust and this type of fear can destroy the other partner's perception of that trust.
The common ways that fear hurts your relationships would also have to include the fear of the consequences of the relationship failing. One partner may think of the potential financial cost of same and be unwilling to fully commit in this respect to the other. This form of fear in a relationship can also lead to arguments, distrust and very possibly, the end of the relationship itself.
The fact is that there are many common ways in which fear hurts your relationships and everyone has to bear in mind that the ultimate basis of any relationship is love and trust. Only if both of these factors are present is the relationship likely to know long term success and fruitfulness. Insecurity is something that we, as humans, deal with on an everyday basis on many levels.
Relationships suffer if you are embraced by the darkness of fear. Fear is an underlying force in most of our lives, and it can greatly harm our relationships. There are many common ways that fear hurts your relationships. Fear of the unknown is one of the worst fears of all. Being let down in a relationship really hurts a person. It just breaks the glass of trust inside their mind, and shatters them. Being let down in a relationship really hurts a person. It just breaks the glass of trust inside their mind, and shatters it to pieces. This causes much emotional trauma which can be carried on to other relationships. It is true, that a person might not even get over something that has splintered the thoughts inside of their minds. It can create a deep psychological issue that bleeds throughout their life. This can make dating or relationships a big issue, that can be a huge let down at the drop of a hat. Relationships suffer if you are embraced by the darkness of fear.
This fear which pose to threat in many people’s life is really unbearable and it also really make people helpless. People’s heart suffers and bears the consequences when they fall victim of any predicament or may be the situation the find themselves is uncontrollable to them and sometimes their heart fears dangers ahead that they even find it difficult to eat food because they are overcome with horror. The rate at which their heart pants for comfort when overcome with fear is beyond measurement. So many people regret ever being a victim especially the rich people and the pleasure they derive from the desires and lust of the flesh drives the heart crazy. And what baffles me is that the flesh enjoys the pleasures as the soul suffers the consequences.
Sometimes people are afraid of fear; sometimes they are afraid of being a victim and sometimes they are afraid of being overcome by fear. Sometimes they run never to experience fear and at times they fly from its frustrating power. They withdraw themselves from evil, so never to be in its bondage and so never to panic.
When fear steps into a relationship, it does a lot of damage to the potentially good relationship you are in.
What if my spouse cheats on me, what if we can not pay the bills, what if I lose her or him to someone else, what if his or her feelings are starting to diminish? The listed what ifs, just scratch the surface of fears that can interrupt a healthy relationship. The first thing someone should do when they feel the company of fear is to, look at things logically. It is easy to let your mind run away with fear. Once your thoughts reside in fear this causes you to react to your thoughts. The fear turns into an action. Actions of putting your guard up, becoming irritable and the thought pattern of the fears you may have start to feel as though they have come true.
When a person fears their spouse may not be faithful, automatically this makes the self protect guard go up. Feelings of being betrayed start to happen and when someone feels betrayed, they look and feel very unhappy. This then leads to the way they communicate with their partner. The relationship becomes tense and under the, what if, fears control the situation.
Fear is intense. Often when one falls into fear it is fight or flight. No matter what situation it is. The outcome of fear can be damaging to any healthy relationship. If you remain quiet and hold all these what if feelings in, eventually, when you bottle up your thoughts and emotions, like a volcano sooner or later the truth of how you feel with erupt. This then turns into confrontation.
The old saying of trust your instinct is hard to separate from fear, when in this turmoil of thoughts. A person may find it hard to identify what is fear and what is truly happening.
When reacting to nonexistent situations, conjured up by fears, this leaves the person on the receiving end in a relationship in distrust or tip toeing around your fears so you do not feel this way. This is an uncomfortable position to be in, when you constantly have to prove yourself to be innocent when your partners fears already have you judged and juried.
It is normal to have fear of some sort sooner or later in any relationship. The key is to be able to identify whether these are thoughts of fear or whether the fearful thoughts are brought on from realistic situations.
Face your fears and ask yourself, is this really something to be fearful of? If you do not identify the difference between fearful thoughts and actual circumstances, fear will lead you to one place and that is alone.
Fear breaks down communication and adds stress on the relationship. Eventually if allowed to do so, constant fears will be the leader to the end of your relationship. Fear stops any healthy growth and before you know it, it takes over.
It is really necessary to train your perceptive powers to distinguish right and wrong so that you will not fall victim of fear. This perceptive power provides structure for determining what is good or bad. It enables one to recognize what is hazardous to the spiritual path of me.
It is my prayer that my eyes should pass on from seeing what is worthless so that I will not be captured by its subtle approach.
Even the sounds of gunshots and that of the sound of thunderstorm and the view of what is not necessary like that of a dead person, rushing blood, sick person, explicit pictures and videos points to influence that my eyes has on my thinking and emotions.
And at times the sound of explicit pictures and videos and the happenings of life tends to have an effect on me perhaps corrupting my thinking and my moral values or even damaging my relationship with God almighty, my creator.
Is fear worth it? No, it is just a four letter word that will destroy, if you give it the power to do so.
There are many occasions that I find myself helpless and powerless and fear gripped me. Our adversaries attacked us and scattered all our windows while we were in the house with guns and all other instruments of war but without a bomb. They attacked innocent neighbours and friends within the environment and I became helpless and powerless. You can get the idea of what I mean by reading ‘Twilight by Omode Jokpeme Joseph”
A person may find it hard to identify what is fear and what is truly happening.
When reacting to nonexistent situations, conjured up by fears, this leaves the person on the receiving end in a relationship in distrust or tip toeing around your fears so you do not feel this way. This is an uncomfortable position to be in, when you constantly have to prove yourself to be innocent when your partners fears already have you judged and juried.
It is normal to have fear of some sort sooner or later in any relationship. The key is to be able to identify whether these are thoughts of fear or whether the fearful thoughts are brought on from realistic situations.
Face your fears and ask yourself, is this really something to be fearful of? If you do not identify the difference between fearful thoughts and actual circumstances, fear will lead you to one place and that is alone.
Fear breaks down communication and adds stress on the relationship. Eventually if allowed to do so, constant fears will be the leader to the end of your relationship. Fear stops any healthy growth and before you know it, it takes over.
It is really necessary to train your perceptive powers to distinguish right and wrong so that you will not fall victim of fear. This perceptive power provides structure for determining what is good or bad. It enables one to recognize what is hazardous to the spiritual path of me.
It is my prayer that my eyes should pass on from seeing what is worthless so that I will not be captured by its subtle approach.
Running from Fear
My heart suffers and bears the consequences
When I fall victim of any predicament
And my heart fears dangers ahead
That I even find it difficult to eat meals
Because I am overcome with horror.
The rate at which my heart pants for comfort
When astonished and overcome with fear
Is beyond measurement.
My heart and soul suffers the consequences
When I fall victim of any predicament
That sometimes I regret being a victim.
The pleasure I derive from the desires
And the lust of my flesh drives the heart crazy
That the rate at which my heart
Pants for comfort is beyond measurement
The flesh enjoys its pleasures
As the soul suffers the consequences.
Sometimes I am afraid of fear,
Sometimes I am afraid of being a victim
Sometimes I am afraid of being overcome by fear.
Sometimes I run never to experience fear,
Sometimes I fly from its frustrating power;
Sometimes I withdraw myself from evil
So never to be in its bondage;
So never to panic.
The earth thunders and my heart cries;
I am ever watchful, never to give in,
Never to fall;
Never to be trapped,
Never to be captured by its power.
I run from signs of danger,
I run for comfort and safety.
Its power corrupts my thinking;
Its power corrupts my moral values
And its power even damage my relationship with God Almighty.
I am like someone stabbed with a knife;
Like a wounded lion,
So restless and helpless;
So feeble and wretched,
And so bitter like vinegar.
I am so afraid of fear
That my ability to make sound moral decisions
May be severely impaired
Which points to the influence
That the eyes have on my thinking and my emotion.
Fear! Fear!!
You are my mortal enemy,
Why were you ever created?
Why can’t I live without you?
Why do you make me panic?
Why do you make me helpless?
Why do you corrupt my moral values?
Why do you corrupt my thinking?
And why do you decide to damage
My relationship with the supreme creator?
Since you think you can’t be overcome;
I will make all necessary moves
To eradicate you out of my world,
Out of my life and mind,
I shall overcome you with love and love I shall embrace.
Grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference!
And help me so never to be helpless.
Oh God! Make my eyes pass on
From seeing what is worthless
And train my perceptive powers
To distinguish
And run from fear.
I have observed that what you picture in your mind is what the mind will go to work on to accomplish. And this I taught about for so many times and I couldn’t hold on any longer and I can’t let go now. I think the thing I am most terrified of, so much so that sometimes I can't breathe or feel sick, is being helpless. Like, I freak out thinking about if there was a war, and a bomb was heading towards me, and I was helpless to do anything to stop it or may be someone who is part of my life like brothers, sisters and siblings and relatives. I don't think I am too afraid of dying; it’s mainly the helplessness in situations... I think that it's fairly common, not to that extent, but no one likes to feel helpless! I worry about these things often but I have heard people talking anxiety disorders so I tend to be worried about everything! You need to realize that you need to focus on the things you can change and be in control of, not the things that you don't! I know, easier said than done! You’re creating a lot of anxiety for yourself by doing this!!I read this somewhere: My biggest fear in life is exactly the same thing - helplessness. I may have been more curious than scared, but I was definitely obsessed with the idea. These days I'm more worried about my life just going really bad, and me ending up with no money or no friends or losing my loved ones or something like that, but completely unable to do anything about it, just having to watch my whole life go down the drain.
I think I would freak out more about natural disasters if I let myself think about them. But when I had that whole tornado obsession my dad would tell me not to worry about things unless they happened, and for some reason that has made more sense to me as I've gotten older. Sometimes I do imagine something bad happening, but as a scenario in which everything works out alright. If I do start freaking myself out I make myself stop thinking about it. Like if I think about a loved one dying I often end up crying and worried that somehow I've jinxed them. But then I just tell myself that if that is going to happen, I can't stop it or foresee it and would worry about it then, but drop the idea for the time being.
Most times that I have observe things in this life about fear are that the heart suffers when someone falls a victim of any predicament. It is not really that easy but the heart fears dangers ahead that so many people find it difficult to eat meals which can eventually lead to death. And the rate at which the heart pants for comfort when overcome by fear is beyond measurement. The pleasure derived from the desires and lusts of the flesh drives the heart crazy. The flesh enjoys its pleasure while the heart bears the burden and the consequences.
The power of fear is so influential that it can corrupt your relationship with God Almighty and will be make someone helpless, feeble and restless. It can cause so may damage and I have been able to capture few ways that fear corrupts relationship below.
There are many common ways that fear hurts your relationships. Fear of the unknown is one of the worst fears of all and the biggest problem with the progression of any relationship is that the future of it is largely unknown.
When two people begin a relationship, they are stepping out over a chasm in a sense. They may very well know little about one another and the process of acquiring that necessary knowledge is not always an easy nor a painless one. No two people are alike on this planet and very often one of the partners - or both - in a relationship can have a fear regarding how the other person will react when they find out certain facts or information about them.
If someone in a developing relationship has a fear regarding how the other person will react to certain knowledge, they essentially have two principal alternatives. They can effectively bite the bullet, impart the controversial information and take the results on the chin, or they can attempt to cover up the relevant information at their peril. The problem with the latter option is that the fear will remain with them at all times, in the sense that they will be afraid of their partner at some stage discovering that which they have chosen to cover up. They will know that if their guilty little secret is ever discovered, the consequences will almost certainly be far worse than if they had shared the knowledge in the first instance. This type of fear can affect a relationship through additional stress and anguish on the part of one of the partners.
Fear can also hurt a relationship if one partner is particularly fearful of losing the other. They can become overly protective, overly inquisitive as to where they have been at certain times and with whom. This can create immense friction in relationships and lead to one partner feeling stifled by the attentions of the other. Relationships worth having are founded and based upon trust and this type of fear can destroy the other partner's perception of that trust.
The common ways that fear hurts your relationships would also have to include the fear of the consequences of the relationship failing. One partner may think of the potential financial cost of same and be unwilling to fully commit in this respect to the other. This form of fear in a relationship can also lead to arguments, distrust and very possibly, the end of the relationship itself.
The fact is that there are many common ways in which fear hurts your relationships and everyone has to bear in mind that the ultimate basis of any relationship is love and trust. Only if both of these factors are present is the relationship likely to know long term success and fruitfulness. Insecurity is something that we, as humans, deal with on an everyday basis on many levels.
Relationships suffer if you are embraced by the darkness of fear. Fear is an underlying force in most of our lives, and it can greatly harm our relationships. There are many common ways that fear hurts your relationships. Fear of the unknown is one of the worst fears of all. Being let down in a relationship really hurts a person. It just breaks the glass of trust inside their mind, and shatters them. Being let down in a relationship really hurts a person. It just breaks the glass of trust inside their mind, and shatters it to pieces. This causes much emotional trauma which can be carried on to other relationships. It is true, that a person might not even get over something that has splintered the thoughts inside of their minds. It can create a deep psychological issue that bleeds throughout their life. This can make dating or relationships a big issue, that can be a huge let down at the drop of a hat. Relationships suffer if you are embraced by the darkness of fear.
This fear which pose to threat in many people’s life is really unbearable and it also really make people helpless. People’s heart suffers and bears the consequences when they fall victim of any predicament or may be the situation the find themselves is uncontrollable to them and sometimes their heart fears dangers ahead that they even find it difficult to eat food because they are overcome with horror. The rate at which their heart pants for comfort when overcome with fear is beyond measurement. So many people regret ever being a victim especially the rich people and the pleasure they derive from the desires and lust of the flesh drives the heart crazy. And what baffles me is that the flesh enjoys the pleasures as the soul suffers the consequences.
Sometimes people are afraid of fear; sometimes they are afraid of being a victim and sometimes they are afraid of being overcome by fear. Sometimes they run never to experience fear and at times they fly from its frustrating power. They withdraw themselves from evil, so never to be in its bondage and so never to panic.
When fear steps into a relationship, it does a lot of damage to the potentially good relationship you are in.
What if my spouse cheats on me, what if we can not pay the bills, what if I lose her or him to someone else, what if his or her feelings are starting to diminish? The listed what ifs, just scratch the surface of fears that can interrupt a healthy relationship. The first thing someone should do when they feel the company of fear is to, look at things logically. It is easy to let your mind run away with fear. Once your thoughts reside in fear this causes you to react to your thoughts. The fear turns into an action. Actions of putting your guard up, becoming irritable and the thought pattern of the fears you may have start to feel as though they have come true.
When a person fears their spouse may not be faithful, automatically this makes the self protect guard go up. Feelings of being betrayed start to happen and when someone feels betrayed, they look and feel very unhappy. This then leads to the way they communicate with their partner. The relationship becomes tense and under the, what if, fears control the situation.
Fear is intense. Often when one falls into fear it is fight or flight. No matter what situation it is. The outcome of fear can be damaging to any healthy relationship. If you remain quiet and hold all these what if feelings in, eventually, when you bottle up your thoughts and emotions, like a volcano sooner or later the truth of how you feel with erupt. This then turns into confrontation.
The old saying of trust your instinct is hard to separate from fear, when in this turmoil of thoughts. A person may find it hard to identify what is fear and what is truly happening.
When reacting to nonexistent situations, conjured up by fears, this leaves the person on the receiving end in a relationship in distrust or tip toeing around your fears so you do not feel this way. This is an uncomfortable position to be in, when you constantly have to prove yourself to be innocent when your partners fears already have you judged and juried.
It is normal to have fear of some sort sooner or later in any relationship. The key is to be able to identify whether these are thoughts of fear or whether the fearful thoughts are brought on from realistic situations.
Face your fears and ask yourself, is this really something to be fearful of? If you do not identify the difference between fearful thoughts and actual circumstances, fear will lead you to one place and that is alone.
Fear breaks down communication and adds stress on the relationship. Eventually if allowed to do so, constant fears will be the leader to the end of your relationship. Fear stops any healthy growth and before you know it, it takes over.
It is really necessary to train your perceptive powers to distinguish right and wrong so that you will not fall victim of fear. This perceptive power provides structure for determining what is good or bad. It enables one to recognize what is hazardous to the spiritual path of me.
It is my prayer that my eyes should pass on from seeing what is worthless so that I will not be captured by its subtle approach.
Even the sounds of gunshots and that of the sound of thunderstorm and the view of what is not necessary like that of a dead person, rushing blood, sick person, explicit pictures and videos points to influence that my eyes has on my thinking and emotions.
And at times the sound of explicit pictures and videos and the happenings of life tends to have an effect on me perhaps corrupting my thinking and my moral values or even damaging my relationship with God almighty, my creator.
Is fear worth it? No, it is just a four letter word that will destroy, if you give it the power to do so.
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