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When I deeply contemplate the transient nature of human life, I realize that,from beginning to end, life is impermanent like an illusion. We have not yetheard of anyone who lived ten thousand years. How fleeting is a lifetime!
Who in this world today can maintain a human form for even a hundred years?
There is no knowing whether I will die first or others, whether death will occurtoday or tomorrow. We depart one after another more quickly than the dewdrops on the roots or the tips of the blades of grasses. So it is said. Hence, we may have radiant faces in the morning, but by evening we may turn into white ashes.
Once the winds of impermanence have blown, our eyes are instantly closed and our breath stops forever. Then, our radiant face changes its color, and the attractive countenance like peach and plum blossoms is lost. Family and relatives will gather and grieve, but all to no avail?
Since there is nothing else that can be done, they carry the deceased out to the fields, and then what is left after the body has been cremated and has turned into the midnight smoke is just white ashes. Words fail to describe the sadnessof it all.Thus the ephemeral nature of human existence is such that death comes to young and old alike without discrimination.

When I deeply contemplate the transient nature of human life,
I realize that,from beginning to end,
life is impermanent like an illusion.
Oh death! Conqueror of man,
Why have you decided
To leave us with untold sufferings and pains?
Why have you decided to leave us
With nothing but tears and sorrow?

You make an end of man;
Great and small,
Rich and poor,
Strong and weak,
Wise and foolish,
Predators and preys alike;
Is the mother earth not tired of swallowing up everything?
When will she give up swallowing up everything?

Oh monstrous enemy!
Had you ask for money?
You would have been given millions;
If you would have requested for meat,
You would have been offered more than enough.
If you would have requested for sacrifices,
You would have been offered
More than you requested for.

And if you ask of money,
You would have been bought only by the rich
Which is meaniless.
But since you are the end of mortals,
And since you are the path I must go,
I shall prepare and come to you
With songs of praise and with hope to rise,
To conquere and live again.

All living things — including bugs and fish and people — die. It's difficult, even for grownups, to understand why this must happen. It may be the hardest thing of all to understand. The best we can do is accept death as a fact of life. It happens, and we can't do anything to change that.

When — and How — Does It Happen?
Most of the time people enjoy long, long lives. Lots of people live well into their 70s or 80s, and some live even longer. Slowly, though, over the course of many years, the human body wears out, just like the tires on an old bicycle or the batteries in your favorite toy. When important parts of the body — like the heart or lungs or brain — wear out and stop working, the person most likely will die. When this happens, we say this person died of "old age."
Sometimes younger people die. Sometimes a person gets very sick, and despite all the hard work of doctors and medicines, nothing can keep this person's body working. If a very sick person dies, you may hear the adults around you say that person is better off now and no longer suffering. Still, every day doctors discover more ways to prevent and treat serious illness, so the chances of a person recovering improve all the time.
Other times people die suddenly, like in an accident. This may be the hardest kind of death for families and friends to deal with because it happens so fast. There is no time for them to get used to the idea of losing someone they love. The important thing to remember about this kind of death is it's often so sudden that the person who dies feels little or no pain. We can be relieved about that.
Where Do Dead People Go?
Many people believe that when someone dies only the body dies. It is just as if a glass bottle full of water broke, and the bottle became useless. The container is gone, but what's inside — the water — remains. The part of a person that's left after the body dies is often called the "soul" or "spirit." Some people believe the soul is the part of a human that loves, feels, and creates; it's the part that make us who we are.
No one really knows what happens to a person's soul after death. There are many different beliefs about that, and it's best to talk with your family to find out what they believe happens after our bodies die. Then you can decide what you believe.

When I deeply contemplate the transient nature of human life, I realize that,from beginning to end, life is impermanent like an illusion. We have not yetheard of anyone who lived ten thousand years. How fleeting is a lifetime!
Who in this world today can maintain a human form for even a hundred years?
There is no knowing whether I will die first or others, whether death will occurtoday or tomorrow. We depart one after another more quickly than the dewdrops on the roots or the tips of the blades of grasses. So it is said. Hence, we may have radiant faces in the morning, but by evening we may turn into white ashes.
Once the winds of impermanence have blown, our eyes are instantly closed and our breath stops forever. Then, our radiant face changes its color, and the attractive countenance like peach and plum blossoms is lost. Family and relatives will gather and grieve, but all to no avail?
Since there is nothing else that can be done, they carry the deceased out to the fields, and then what is left after the body has been cremated and has turned into the midnight smoke is just white ashes. Words fail to describe the sadness of it all.Thus the ephemeral nature of human existence is such that death comes to young and old alike without discrimination.
it has become a natural phenomenon that man must surely die since he made the choice by eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden Of Eden. And since man was made from dust and since it was man’s choice to die, dust will man return. The conqueror of man is so powerful that when it comes, no one seems to stop him from accomplishing his mission.

Even the wise knows this and the foolish alike. Death make an end of man both great and small, rich and poor, strong and weak and he has become a monstrous enemy to man. And had it been that this monstrous enemy asked of money, he would have been given but only by the rich which is meaniless and if he requested for meat, he would have been offered more than enough but death is the path mortals must go.
It is so bad that the conqueror of man came only one day and that day happens to be the day man disobeyed God Almighty and does what he thought was good, perfect and ok for him when he ate from the tree that gives knowledge of what is good and what is evil in the beautiful garden of Eden. This then make man to be powerless while making the conqueror of man powerful by selling his birth right to the conqueror of man but thank God the birthright has been restored by Jesus Christ of Nazaeth. This monstrous enemy has left us with nothing but tears and sorrow. Its power over us has caused us pains and his power has caused us to work hard and to sweat to make the soil produce anything we want but also requires to come to us its time comes.

Man cannot keep himself from the grave and man cannot live and never die. And it is painful to see people especially your loved ones die. I thought long and hard and I got to know that God controls the actions of the wise. And righteous men, and even their love and their hate.

But no one knows anything about what lies ahead of him. It makes no difference because the same fate comes to the righteous and the wicked, to the good and the bad, to the great and the small, to the rich and to the poor, to the predators and preys, to the wise and foolish……… one fate comes to all alike. And this is as wrong as anything that happens in this world. And precisely speaking, this fate happens to be death.

It is inevitable and to the dust we must return. It is so bad that those that death has taken have no knowledge because the dead cannot acquire wealth, riches and reward any more. Their love, their hates, their passions, all died with them when the conqueror of man came.

Life is vanity upon vanity and no matter how powerful one may appear today, tomorrow he is no more, dead and forgotten. Indeed we are to learn from this poem that death is a leveler, whether big or small, high or low, poor or rich, the ultimate and the very apogee of one’s laurel ends in six feetnin the mother earth.
When someone dies and is in the mother earth, glory does not stay there and memories might be forgotten.
The mother earth swallows up everything and silence and tranquity pervade the whole place. The dead like everyone else enjoys himself while alive, attending parties, celeberating but when death comes around he can no longer/more do those things any more.

It is so bad and pathethic that when a person dies, all he then possesses is worms, flies, and maggots. It is so bad that there will be no action, no thought, no knowledge, no wisdom, no reward in the world of the dead and that happens be the place where mortals must go.

And it is certain that it is the devil’s jealousy that brought death to the world and precisely speaking, it is those who belong to the devil that will die.
Righteous people will find rest, and even though they die young. And wisdom and righteousness are the basic signs of the maturity that should come with old age.

Human beings are like leaves on a spreading tree that new growth takes the place of the fallen leaves, this is to say that while some of us die, others are being born. And the most funny thing is everything made by human hands will decay and perish along with the person who made it.

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