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Botswana Judge to Chair Lesotho Commission of Inquiry 
A judge from Botswana will chair the Commission of Inquiry on the violence in Lesotho, following the recent assassination of General Maaparankwe Mahao

Mon 06 Jul 2015, 17:16 pm

The SADC Double Troika reached this decision at a summit held in Pretoria, South Africa on Friday, to establish an urgent independent Commission of Inquiry into the killing of Lesotho’s former army chief Mahao near Maseru 11 days ago. The SADC Double Troika is made up of Zimbabwe, Botswana, South Africa, Namibia, Malawi and Lesotho, all which sent representatives to the meeting. President Ian Khama was amongst the SADC leaders who attended the meeting and was tasked with naming the chair of the commission. According to a communiqué, the SADC facilitator to Lesotho, deputy president of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa and the executive secretary of SADC Dr Lawrence Tax, were also in attendance.

 “The Summit decided, as a matter of urgency, to establish an independent Commission of

Inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the death of Brigadier Mahao, and its deployment with immediate effect.

“Summit decided to send an independent pathologist to conduct an examination, as requested by the Prime Minister of Lesotho within a period of 72 hours. Summit requested full collaboration and cooperation of government of the Kingdom of Lesotho in facilitating the work of the Commission of Enquiry. Summit urged the Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho to create a conducive environment for the return of the opposition leaders to the country,” reads part of the communiqué from SADC.

It also stated that the summit urged the Double Troika to remain seized with the developments in the Kingdom of Lesotho.It also commended South Africa for hosting the Double Troika Summit.

- See more at: http://www.mmegi.bw/index.php?aid=52395&dir=2015/july/06#sthash.qHXWUc5q.dpuf

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