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Emeka Ike Disvirgined me And Turned my Kids Against me. Emeka Ike's Wife Cries

Emeka Ike's wife had gone to court, seeking dissolution of their 12-year-old marriage but Emeka failed to show up in court. Emeka's counsel, Abdul’Hakeem Labi-Lawal, said Emeka has not appeared in court because he is ill. He begged the court to give Emeka 6 months to see if there is possibility of settlement between the couple.

The wife however said 6 months was too long adding that Emeka had 2 years to reconcile with her but he didn’t. Her words: “The last time I wanted to speak with our children, it was my mother-in-law who picked the call and asked if I had read Exodus 21 which says that if I go, I shouldn’t return.” .

The wife later told THE NATION that Emeka took her last 2 children from her when she was going for her mother’s burial in February. “He promised to bring them to me immediately I returned from my mother’s burial but he didn’t. He doesn’t allow me to speak with them anymore. They are now against me," she said. .

She said she left her matrimonial home because she could no longer bear being tortured anymore. She said: “If I was still with him, I may not survive. I was 19-year old when I met him and he was the one who deflowered me. I see no reason I shouldn’t be treated with utmost respect. Due to physical torture, my health has been affected. There was even a time I thought I had breast cancer because I felt a lump on one part of my breast.” .

She said things became worse last Sunday when she called Emeka to speak with their children. In tears, she said:”I almost went mad when my first son told me on phone that if I truly loved them, I wouldn’t have abandoned them. .

Even my 7-year-old son whose day wouldn’t be complete without seeing me said he doesn’t love me. I love my children. I miss my children. I never abandoned them. I am in pain. I really need my children. I am a good woman; I endured so many things as his wife.”...

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