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Iran's Khamenei Says US Embodies 'Global Arrogance': Website
Saturday 11 Jul 2015

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told a meeting of students in Tehran on Saturday that the United States is the "true embodiment of global arrogance", according to remarks posted on his website.

Answering a student who asked him what would happen to the 'fight against global arrogance' after the completion of nuclear talks between Iran and world powers, Khamenei replied that that fight could not be interrupted, his website said.

Khamenei was quoted as saying: "Fighting global arrogance is the core of our revolution and we cannot put it on hold. Get ready to continue your fight against the global arrogance."

"The US is the true embodiment of the global arrogance."

Iran, the United States and other major powers struggled on Saturday to break a deadlock in nuclear talks that has held up a historic deal that would bring sanctions relief for Tehran in exchange for curbs on its atomic program.

Tehran and the six powers have given themselves until Monday to reach a nuclear agreement, their third extension in two weeks, as the Iranian delegation accused the West of throwing up new stumbling blocks to a deal.

Western powers have long suspected Iran of aiming to build nuclear bombs and using its civilian atomic energy program to cloak its intention, an accusation Iran denies.

The term arrogants, or arrogant powers, is used in Iran to refer to the United States and its Western and Israeli allies. Washington cut ties with Tehran a year after the 1979 revolution that ushered in Iran's Shiite Muslim theocracy.


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