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We Have Free Movie Tickets Up for Grabs Now - For You & Your BFF

In the spirit of having a swell weekend, guys, we have 5 free movie tickets up for grabs!! All thanks to www.Tripican.com, you get to watch whatever latest blockbuster movie you desire, at a cinema you like, with a partner/friend you cherish.

All you have to do to win is give us the correct answers to these riddles below. So you think you have solved the hardest of riddles already? Just hold on till you read these ones:


A teacher decides to give a pop quiz one day but all of her students refuse to take the quiz thinking that the teacher will call off the quiz. 
She can give only one of these students a detention for skipping the quiz. All of the students know each other’s names and if a student knows he/she is getting a detention they take the quiz. 
How can she threaten her students with the single detention so they all take the quiz?

Winners will be announced 11am today. First 2 TILB readers with the correct answers will win 2 tickets each while the 3rd gets just one ticket. Let's have fun with this, guys!

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