I don't even know what the subject of this mail should be. I'm an ardent reader of your blog and I must say you're really making the young women folk proud. I know you hear this a lot.
I haven't sent in a request before and I doubt you would see this but hey where's my faith? Lol.
My name is (names witheld), 28 years old. I'm based at Abuja and I have a Bsc in Psychology. I have a 3 years experience in Banking.
Please Laila I know my husband won't like it if he finds out I reached out to you for a Job. He's asked me to relax because the job hunt at one time got me depressed.
I was asked to resign by my superior in Access bank due to something my boss did. Outrageous right? Yea...and since then I've been looking for a job. I've gone for numerous interviews and you won't believe the excuses they gave; sorry you're too qualified, sorry we don't take married women, sorry we can't pay you.
I married the sweetest man in the world but I need to support him somehow before the babies start coming. We've been managing his salary and now he's about to miss a certification because of money. I've been feeling so sad because of this and I'm tired of not being able to help.
Please Laila I'm not asking for money, I only need your assistance in finding a Job here in Abuja. I know there are readers out there who can help so I'm using this medium to plead ANONYMOUSLY for a job.