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Caitlyn Jenner Reveals She Wants Vocal Surgery to Get a "Feminine Voice"

Caitlyn Jenner has revealed she would consider getting get vocal surgery to achieve a more "feminine voice".

The reality star previously admitted she didn't feel her voice matched her appearance, and in the latest episode of I Am Cait she turns to one of her biggest supporters Kim Kardashian for support.

The former Olympian tells Kim she's considering vocal surgery. Caitlyn also reveals to Kim that she
used to call room service to practice her voice and hoped she would be called m'am rather than sir.

But when Kim - who is joined by her good friend Malika - asks her to give it a go and pretend to order room service, Caitlyn struggles. The mum-of-one isn't keen on the idea.
"What if they made a mistake and you came out with no voice?" a shocked Kim says.
Caitlyn also asks her transgender friends what they've done to change their vocal cords.

"I haven’t done one thing,” Chandi Moore replies. “If you’re going to accept me, you’re going to accept me.”

While Jen Richards admits she saw a vocal therapist because she "hated being outed by my voice".

After watching her ESPYs speech back Caitlyn wrote on her blog that she didn't feel her voice matched her “feminine appearance”.
"While I felt like I looked great and that the gown looked fabulous, I still have a voice issue. It’s not quite right compared to my feminine appearance," she said.
She adds:
 "That bothers me a little bit. However, I hope that people don’t listen to the pitch of my voice, but listen to what I have to say. That’s important to me."

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