Daniel Basor Kadima, 31, of Longview called 911 about 9 a.m. July 28 and told dispatchers he was calling to report a death, according to the warrant, which was released Monday.
When asked when he had last seen the deceased, he responded “yesterday,” police said. Kadima identified himself but did not say the victim’s name or the nature of their relationship.
According to the warrant, when he asked what had happened, Kadima responded, “My duty is just to call in and let you know.”
Kadima’s mother, Hauwa Esther Kadima, 61, was found by Longview police officers during a check-welfare call July 28 in an apartment in the 700 block of Gilmer Road.
Initial autopsy findings showed she had fractures to her skull, with laceration of the brain because of blunt impact to the head.
Daniel Kadima was arrested Wednesday on a charge of walking on the wrong side of the road. Police later added a charge of murder.
Kadima’s ex-wife wrote an affidavit Wednesday for a motion of contempt stating that Kadima violated the terms of their divorce and that police “say he is the person they believe beat his mother to death.”
The ex-wife said Tuesday that police investigators arrived at her home Wednesday morning, after Hauma Kadima was found murdered in her apartment.
They say he (Daniel Kadima) is the person they believe beat his mother to death. I am in shock over this, and now believe that my safety and life are in danger,” the ex-wife said. “I feel that Daniel has an unstable mental status. He was diagnosed with mental health problem(s) during our marriage, but would not take his medication. Likewise, he was diagnosed with mental health issues while at the behavioral health hospital, but refused to continue his medication. Daniel showing up at my house shows he has no regard for the Court’s order and is going to continue stalking me. I have a serious fear that he is going to hurt or kill us as his mother has now been murdered.
Where do we go from here?