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Stay in Bed For 70 Days And Earn N3.6M From NASA

NASA is searching for volunteers who needs to be a piece of their “Bed Rest Study”. The employment is as simple as it sounds. The volunteer simply needs to rest and set down on the bed for 70 days in a row and NASA will pay you $18, 000.

The individual is permitted to do stuff while they are sleeping. They could utilize Skype, read books and play recreations on their smart phones.
This study expects to assert the impacts of the micro scale gravity to the human body. The volunteers on this undertaking should be the individuals who have a solid living, not couch potatoes.

“Once they qualify physically and mentally, we do rigorous physical exercises to test muscle      strength and aerobic capacity. We want people who have the physical and psychological characteristics of an astronaut. They should be able to do the kind of activities that astronauts do,” Dr. Cromwell said.

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