Do you love your spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend/kids/siblings/parents/bestie/neighbor/pastor so much that you want to show them off to the world and let them know how glad and proud you are that you have them in your life?
If you said yes, darling, we've got space for you!
He is the ONLY one that makes your world go round.
She's the ONLY one that will never let you down.
They are the ONLY ones you love with all your heart...Forever and always, your everyday prayer is may never be two of you apart. ♥
Whose heart is so filled with love that they want to send their special Romeo/Juliet a shout out? Everyone is a sucker for a good love story. We see them on TV and in the movies all the time. I want to flaunt real-life love stories to prove to Nigerians that REAL LOVE does exist.
On the other hand, did you mess up your relationship but now you are sorry and willing to make things right just like TILB reader Alfie did HERE? We've got space for you too. Send us your mail and your boo will be reading it in less than 20 minutes.
Send your mails and photos to I'm waiting to share your entries!
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