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November 2015 is Here! Happy New Month, Guys

I welcome every TILB reader into the New Month of November and not forgetting that it is the second to the last month of the year.

Without mincing words, can we thank our God Almighty for his mercies, the grace, the goodness, the love, the good health and joy he granted us so far this year?

Can we declare together that as we have seen this day, the New Year will not elude us and our loved ones in Jesus name?!

I do not know what your heart desire is but as of this moment, can we also declare together that it is
settled in Jesus' name?!

You might think it's too late to achieve the goals you set out to accomplish this year, to hit that jackpot you have been working hard at since January, to finally meet your dream spouse, fall in love and get married before the last Saturday of this month.

But I want you to know that our God can do wonders even at the last minute. He can change your life in seconds. Only if you do your part and BELIEVE!

A new month is here - November 2015. Never stop working at making your dream a reality, never stop believing you will succeed!

For the rest of the days in this year, never stop giving God praise for what he has done and for what he is yet to do in your life. See, by so doing, you demobilize the devil, you kill the doubts and fears he's placed in and around you. You automatically declare him a loser on that situation you are thanking God for even though it hasn't materialized.

We are more than conquerors, November is our month to go forth and SHINE! Let's do this, guys!!

P.s: I will never advise anybody to fall in love in November and get married before December though just because you want to meet target. Please instead, pray that you meet the right man for you before the end of December and give enough time for your courtship.

This is so that you don't get married to a total stranger and start sharing sad stories that touch later.

Happy new month sweethearts!

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