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''What Could Be Wrong With Me?'

I seem to have this common problem with dating:

After a few weeks of talking, and/or one or two dates, communication ceases without warning. I would send a text message every few days wishing her well. If I call, the phone will just ring to voicemail. If I send any text messages, it will not be returned.

If this had just happened once, I'd quickly get over it. If the girl would simply tell me that she doesn't want to continue, I'd be okay with it. This cessation of communication has been from every single girl that I have talked to, and it has always occured in this fashion.

I don't know what is wrong with me, or what I'm doing wrong. It has gotten to the point where I fear that God doesn't want me to marry, or have a family someday.

Can anyone advise me on what to do?

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