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Nicole Murphy is The Baddest 48 Yr Old. Check out Her Banging Body (Photos)

Nicole Murphy is the current cover girl for Bombshell By Bleu: magazine and showing off her INSANE baaawdy after having five kids.

Eddie Murphy's ex also dished on her dating life (or lack thereof) and answered questions about being a sexy mom.

See what she said after the cut:

On managing being a mom and being sexy:
No Doubt, yes I’m a mom and my number one priority is my children, but I also have to take time for me, so I have to love me just as much as I love my babies. I make sure that I take the time out, (an hour a day) to hit the gym, stay fit and also eat healthy. I do have my moments where I do eat badly but the majority of the time I do eat healthy. I have it set up where Eddie, my ex husband, has my kids for a week and I have them for a week. So when he has them, I have time to work on my career and me. I only have two left in the house the rest are grown and out the house.
On dating:
No I’m currently single, focusing on me. I get asked out a lot but I think when the right one comes along it will be different. I’ve been in relationships for quite along time so it’s nice to be single and do whatever I want.

See her stunning bikini pics HERE, HERE, and HERE

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