Blog Reader Recounts His Frustrating Sexual Ordeal Over The Weekend
Hello Laila,
please hide my identity. I am in deep shit. My life is practically over. I dont know what is wrong with me. I have always been chubby from childhood and it got worse when i was on campus. I am big now and flabby in some places. Its not something I am proud of but anybody who has extra flesh will understand my predicament. i barely eat yet i keep adding weight. working out and dieting never works for me. I only reduce weight when i get severly sick. It got to a point where i intentionally drown bottles of Goko cleanser to purge me or make me sick yet the solution is often temporal.
Last month, I ran into an old lady friend from way back in school. She used to be very fat then but i was suprised because she was very slim when i ran into her at shoprite. we exchanged banters but i knew what to expect. For me, the most common greeting from people is "GUY YOU DON OVER FAT, YOU WAN BURST"? She didnt dissappoint. she commented on my fatness and told me that she has faced her demons and has lost weight. I inquired to know what she diid and she told me that its herbal. She told me that i should get a one liter Eva water bottle and pour raw Kai Kai into it half full. she instructed that i add grinded ginger, garlic, lemon, Aloe vera leaf, dogonyaro, lemon grass and unripe paw paw to the kai kai and start drinking it 2 times daily on empty stomache.
I followed the regime religiously and it worked cos i saw myself starting to reduce slowly after aboutt 2 weeks. I was happy and was full of life because i also found a new surge of energy. the ususal weakness and sweating was reduced too. I even called her back with gratitude and appreciation. I sent her recharge card to express my gratitude. Every thing was fine until last weekend. I invited my girlfriend over for the weekend. She came from her school on friday and we spent the night out and was wasted when we got home. when we woke up on saturday and we wanted to make love and that was when things feel apart. My dick wouldnt move. i have alway had very spontenous erections so the new development was strange. if this has never happened to you, you may never understand. I was actually horny but my dick remained limp and would not erect. I asked her to handle it with her hands which she did but it didnt work. She went ahead to suck me yet nothing. we tried through out that saturday but nothing happened. I tried confusing her to hide my shame by telling here that Jose Mourinho and Chelsea loss was the reason for the behaviour of my penis.
Sunday came and the same thing happened again. we tried this morning too with blue film yet nothing. My girl was even giving me queer looks even as i was taking her to the park this morning to go back to school. Laila, i have never been so embarrassed in my whole life. I dont know what is happening to me. I am suspecting this concoction that I am drinking but I am not sure if it is the cause. I am only 29 and i cant be impotent this early in life. I spoke to my friend and he told me to try another girl that maybe my girlfriend is not arousing me anymore but i dont believe that cos my girl is very sexy. I am confused about these whole experience. I dont even know what to say to my girl because she was not happy about the weekend experience. She was moody and kept telling me to ditch that weight loss concoction..I was crying inside all through though i managed to maintain a calm disposition. Please do you think the drink was responsible? The ingredients are all natural so i dont understand this. I thought I knew what torture is until last weekend. Imagine being horny and the woman you love is naked and wet beside you yet you cannot do nothing. If this is a permanent damage, what will i do?
please hide my identity. I am in deep shit. My life is practically over. I dont know what is wrong with me. I have always been chubby from childhood and it got worse when i was on campus. I am big now and flabby in some places. Its not something I am proud of but anybody who has extra flesh will understand my predicament. i barely eat yet i keep adding weight. working out and dieting never works for me. I only reduce weight when i get severly sick. It got to a point where i intentionally drown bottles of Goko cleanser to purge me or make me sick yet the solution is often temporal.
Last month, I ran into an old lady friend from way back in school. She used to be very fat then but i was suprised because she was very slim when i ran into her at shoprite. we exchanged banters but i knew what to expect. For me, the most common greeting from people is "GUY YOU DON OVER FAT, YOU WAN BURST"? She didnt dissappoint. she commented on my fatness and told me that she has faced her demons and has lost weight. I inquired to know what she diid and she told me that its herbal. She told me that i should get a one liter Eva water bottle and pour raw Kai Kai into it half full. she instructed that i add grinded ginger, garlic, lemon, Aloe vera leaf, dogonyaro, lemon grass and unripe paw paw to the kai kai and start drinking it 2 times daily on empty stomache.
I followed the regime religiously and it worked cos i saw myself starting to reduce slowly after aboutt 2 weeks. I was happy and was full of life because i also found a new surge of energy. the ususal weakness and sweating was reduced too. I even called her back with gratitude and appreciation. I sent her recharge card to express my gratitude. Every thing was fine until last weekend. I invited my girlfriend over for the weekend. She came from her school on friday and we spent the night out and was wasted when we got home. when we woke up on saturday and we wanted to make love and that was when things feel apart. My dick wouldnt move. i have alway had very spontenous erections so the new development was strange. if this has never happened to you, you may never understand. I was actually horny but my dick remained limp and would not erect. I asked her to handle it with her hands which she did but it didnt work. She went ahead to suck me yet nothing. we tried through out that saturday but nothing happened. I tried confusing her to hide my shame by telling here that Jose Mourinho and Chelsea loss was the reason for the behaviour of my penis.
Sunday came and the same thing happened again. we tried this morning too with blue film yet nothing. My girl was even giving me queer looks even as i was taking her to the park this morning to go back to school. Laila, i have never been so embarrassed in my whole life. I dont know what is happening to me. I am suspecting this concoction that I am drinking but I am not sure if it is the cause. I am only 29 and i cant be impotent this early in life. I spoke to my friend and he told me to try another girl that maybe my girlfriend is not arousing me anymore but i dont believe that cos my girl is very sexy. I am confused about these whole experience. I dont even know what to say to my girl because she was not happy about the weekend experience. She was moody and kept telling me to ditch that weight loss concoction..I was crying inside all through though i managed to maintain a calm disposition. Please do you think the drink was responsible? The ingredients are all natural so i dont understand this. I thought I knew what torture is until last weekend. Imagine being horny and the woman you love is naked and wet beside you yet you cannot do nothing. If this is a permanent damage, what will i do?
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