Blog Reader Shares a Very Disturbing Opinion (Disturbing Content)
This is an unedited outrageous thought provoking piece that many religious folks may found disturbing. Please do not read if you are allergic to blasphemous opinions propagated by modern science and logic.
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Many years ago, I gulped mountains of lies passed down to me from the annals of a fictitious and archaic book by my parents, friends, teachers and loved ones hook, line, and sinker!
Then, I hold a PhD in Ignorance! A certified nincompoop at best! A professor of ignorance and a mumu to the core!
Then, I'll knock door to door in my local environment preaching Jesus Christ. I often wish to be like many characters in the holy Bible. I sweep, dance, carry blocks, brisks and even sing for the church. Then, the little money given to me by my parents which am suppose to use to feed my hungry stomach, I'll deposit them in the offering box. I was so silly at best and my folly was next to noon. But what do I know then? I was just a young chap acting the script written to me by my parents and loved ones. I couldn't use my brain to question many of the silly characters I wish to be like and mountains of lies written in the bible
There was also a time I'll also fast and pray for days just to pass my exams which ordinary reading my books would have done the magic. I'd prefer to pass days and nights in the church praying fervently so that I'll pass my exams.
Each time I recall the story of Adam and Eve, Jesus turning water to wine, Moses dividing the red sea, Jonah being swallowed by a big fish and regurgitated after transporting him for miles, Noah flood, Jesus turning 2 fishes and Five loafs to feed thousands of people, and many silly stories, I weep my eyes sore. How could I have believed all this mountain of lies?
Primitive men, in his curiosity to give meaning to things beyond their comprehension, came up with all sorts of spurious assertions. One of such imbecilic assertion is the belief that imaginary ''curse of Eve'' after eating the forbidden fruit is the brain behind women undergoing labour pains during childbirth. Now, lets for a moment believe this codswallop. What about other animals that undergo labour pains too? Animals like dogs and Hyenas, do they eat forbidden bones too?
If Jesus Christ can feed thousands of people with five loafs and Two fishes, why then such miracle haven't been replicated in my very eyes by feeding thousands of starving Africa children today magically?
If the earth was created perfectly by God, where cometh natural disaster in a perfectly created world?
If God is good and love, how come the same God commands the killing of innocent children, non virgins, nonbelievers, and even went ahead to destroy the world with flood?
If God created heaven and earth on the first day how come the earth experienced day and night for three days before God created the Sun, Moon and Stars on the fourth day? The questions are enormous but many folks keep deaf ear to them.
Am glad i don't hero-worship any of those biblical characters again. Now I know many ''heroes and icons'' even though they hold no place in the annals of history! In fact, have forgiven my parents and loved ones for feeding me with lies because they lack philosophical and logical knowledge and have also forgiven those clueless men who penned down the stories in the Bible for being ignorant of obstetrics, archeology, biological science, reason, logic and philosophy. But what about the billions of ''civilised'' men - among them well-educated, brilliant chaps - who still ''faithfully'' gulp this anachronistic balderdash with gusto? Therein lies the tragedy! Can we forgive them? Will they say they are ignorant?
With an extensive introspection and sober-reflection, I found myself being freed from the yoke of ignorance, dogmas, myths, and fairytales written centuries ago by primitive, clueless desert mules! While I know I'm still largely ignorant in many respect, I also do surely know I'm no longer that ignorant, innocent-looking boy that swallowed all the man-made drivel cum inspiration from God anymore.
By Edward Onoriode
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