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Dearies, We Don't Have Photos for Saturday's Finest Faceoff

It's been a long while since we had a good Faceoff show.

Our last winner
Next tomorrow is Saturday, can we have a new show, guys? I have run out of readers' photos... again. And you all know how this works - if we don't have pics, our Finest Faceoffs can't hold.

So pleaseeeeee, that your fine brother, choir member, neighbour, that your uncle's son's wife's sister's younger brother you said you will talk to later to send in his photos, forget procrastination, guys, now is the time. Don't postpone talking to them again.

It's time to get our very fine, fashionable sisters and brothers, family members, loved ones, haters alike to send in their photos. There are still cool prizes to be won.

My email address still is LailasBlog@gmail.com. Let's do this, dearies! I'm waiting for your photos. Send them in now, ok?

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