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Female Blog Reader Gladys Involved in a Horrible Motor Accident (Photos)

Glady's SUV
Hello Laila,

I would have been in the great beyond now. I would have been a dead woman by now. My children would have become orphans by now and my darling husband a widower but God in his infinite mercy decided to spare my life. I was driving to my town Oraukwu in Anambra State yesterday evening around 4pm to go pick up my mother in law so she can see the doctor today being Monday. I never knew that i would instead be seeing a mortician if God is not on my case. as i drove down the Buckingham Polytechnic corner, A car coming on the opposite direction was overtaking a lorry on high speed and suddenly swerved to avoid another car which was over taking also me. I dont know what happened, all I remember was that i saw my car flying and somersaulting and that was all i remembered before I passed out.
I regained conciousness when i heard people shouting incoherently and crying while some was saying that I was dead. I opened my eyes and was disoriented as i was upside down. The car was standing on the bonnet and i dont know what was happening. then slowly it started dawning on me that i had been in a terrible crash and my car was upside down in a big ditch. I started shouting and people came and rescued me. they tot i was dead and were rushing to see if there are any survivors in the other cars. people around were all shouting and praising God for me. They said that my car flipped over in the air more that 5 times and I didnt even know cos i was unconscious then.  i look all over my body, just a few scratch . I just feel pains on some joints. I asked a small boy to climb into my car from the broken roof glass to search for my phone and bag. so i called my husband. I was so unscathed that i even helped in rescuing others although sadly, 2 people died instantly. The truch driver and the passenger in one of the small car that caused the accident. That i am alive and send this mail is nothing short of a testimony. I took a some photos before my husband came and took me to the hospital. the doctor advised that i should be admitted over night so as to monitor me for internal bleeding.

Laila, Please. as I was leaving my house that fateful yesterday. I prayed for journey mercies and was actually listening to Lara Georges Dansaki when this accident happened and I believe that my prayers and worship saved me. Please post this so that blog readers can help me in thanking God and to pray more because life is nothing without God. you may be a careful driver but can still die as a result of another carelessness.. I will be discharged soon. Thank you and God bless.


.He never sleeps. He is always watching out for his own. Thank God for your life Gladys

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