On Kaffy's Latest Buttocks Photo and The Oversexualisation Of The Female Gender
Now I am not trying to be a hater or whatever name people like to call constructive criticism these days, but why on earth are people who are supposed to be role models oversexualising the female gender?
Ladies these days have poor body image and low self esteem because of what the see on mass and social media. The media tells you what teh ideal woman should look like.
You can hardly see a music video today that doesn't portray the woman as a sex object, whining waist and shaking boobs and buttocks, 'or what your mama gave you' , as we like to deceive ourselves.
See photo after the cut.
In my opinion, female entertainers are the worst culprits and it is even seeping down to today's generation of mothers who see nothing wrong in wearing their female children bum shorts and spag tops. I remember a kiddies birthday party i witnessed one time.The children were invited for a dancing competition. The little girls who danced like children were eliminated in the various rounds, while the ones who could shake it like Rihanna, Beyonce and Nicki Minaj were retained until one of them won them eventually won.
The unfortunate thing is that this is what society likes and they eat up like ice cream. The raunchier and more notorious you are, the higher your popularity grows and you are seen as a sex symbol
With photos like the one Kaffy has posted and the uncountable ones by female entertainers that flood the internet on a daily basis, I don't see any change in the trend soon.
The hideousness of it all!
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