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Important Information for Parents and Intending Parents...

This important message about sexual abuse on children was sent in by TILB reader Joy. And she's so on point.

In my house, I have this habit of regularly asking my kids 'Who touched your pee pee today'' and while they respond, I closely watch their body language.You can never be too careful when it comes to child molestation. Please read:
Sexual abuse of children is so common these days, it's like each time I open a blog or an article, someone is talking about what an uncle, aunty, help, cousin, preacher or even parent did to him/her as a child, for some, it  was done by the same sex, for others by the opposite sex and ofcourse, they were too afraid to tell anyone , and it just completely breaks my heart. 
Mothers, we cannot afford to raise our children to fear us so much that they are afraid to freely express themselves around us, neither should we be too busy not to have personal time with our children or listen to them.
We cannot afford to trust anyone at all with our child either, because when children are molested, most of the time, it is done by members of the family, I'm talking cousin's, uncle's, aunt's,  helps, even priests and pastors so yes, you cannot afford to assume to know that this or that person cannot do such because you can never completely know anyone and i mean anyone atall. 
Let us watch our children's body language, are they afraid of a particular person? Are they uncomfortable going close to a particular person or place? And even cry when you try to force them or become moody??? Be attentive to your child's body language, demeanor and reaction to things and do not make them do something they are not comfortable with without investigating and making sure that it's not just a tantrum.
I also think it is important to teach your child about his or her body parts and let them know that it is not okay for anyone to touch them here or there(including sitting on 'uncle's' laps)  nor should they touch anyone in those places... 
So many adults today were sexually abused as children and became messed up because of that (may God heal you) and some shamefully abused others,(may God judge you) "please mothers, protect and teach your child VERY WELL. Please.

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