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TILB Reader Living with a Diabolical Neighbor Needs Your Advice Urgently..

Please every TILB reader should gather here, let's help one of our own. She's dealing with a neighbour who not only is diabolical, but also wants to seduce her husband. Your advice is urgently needed.

Had to say this for those that plan to only read and waka pass. If you don't join us now, when your turn comes, all of us will waka pass too. You can't even say you've never needed advice or will never need advice on a pressing situation. Good morning everybody. Rita's mail reads:

Hello Laila, please I need advise about a situation my husband and I are currently facing right now. We live in a compound with just two flats so there are just 2 different families living there, myself included. My co tenant is a woman living with her daughter and since we moved which is a year now, we have not seen her husband as she claims he travelled out of the country. 
Few days after we moved in, my tenant brought food for me, just 2 days after I moved in. It looked surprising to me because i don't even know her to start with for her to bring
food for me and my husband wasn't okay with it so we decided to throw it away and not eat. 
Few weeks later, she brought peppersoup and we threw it away again. I noticed she was becoming over friendly with my husband in the sense that each time he comes out to wash his car, she also comes out to start gisting with him which he tries to avoid. She is not that friendly with me. 
We then noticed the woman is not as good as she portrays to us and the neighbourhood. She started tapping our generator light when her generator got bad without our permission. She doesn't even pay Nepa bills, she taps directly because in my compound we use meter. As of the gen, it was obvious and we were tolerating it for close to 4 months. The tapping of gen light became bad that it started burning the bulbs in my house, was bringing out smoke and affecting our gen. I then told my husband we have to inform the owners of the house because if this burns down their compound they will
hold us and ask us why we did not report this. 
Not only that, we noticed she is a diabolic person. every morning i see bird feathers scattered around my frontage and i have seen her in my dream up to 4 times struggling to stay in my matrimonial room while i try to push her out (in my dream).
These issues got too much for me i had to call the landlady to tell her and the landlady
set up a meeting with the landlord. My husband and i went to see him in his house and told him all our experiences with her but to my surprise the landlord was not surprised by our complaints because even the tenant before us had issues with this lady and the landlord told us she was as good as gone because she wasn't even paying rent and he only left her there out of humanity. We concluded with the landlord that we would come the weekend to talk to her to stop tapping our gen and to stop locking the front door that
leads to the main tank of the house because she has no write to do that.
To my greatest surprise the landlord came and things he said he was going to do wasn't what he did. He was preaching peace which i'm not against. The woman started saying all sorts of things against my husband and when my husband asked her about the tap that gives water to my kitchen, who locked it, she denied it wasn't her.
To cut the story short,one thing led to another and in my presence and the presence of our daughter, she slapped my husband. out of reflex action, he slapped her back. she started shouting and abusing me and my husband, even to the extent of insulting my husband and i on the street and i couldn't hold myself too so i also insulted her. I know i should have ignored her but i did that for close to 5 months and could no longer bear
Now we have decided to pack out and for the landlord to refund us our money back because we just renewed our rent. My husband is making me feel guilty that it was because of me things got to where it is because i reported to the landlady about what was happening, that we would have continued bearing her and her mischiefs to us.
I see it as bullying because she was doing something bad, she knew it and was claiming she was right when it was very obvious for months she was tapping our generator light, I beared it or how she prepared bitterleaf water for my husband when i'm there to do
My husband was assisting her financially, he did not tell me until this problem happened, my landlord that assured us that she is not even paying rent and no one will make us uncomfortable, when he came and she was shouting and slapped my husband, he didnt utter a word. 
We have lived in a house of 12 flats from there to 6 flats from there to another 6 flats and
from there to 2 flats. We have never had any issue with any of our co-tenants and i have never had any weird dreams about any of my co-tenants before. Even my husband started dreaming about me not being a good person, someone keeps on trying to put doubt in his mind that i'm not faithful or he should run a dna test on our daughter that its not his (in his dream). All this started happening in that house with that woman. 
If there is an issue with her daughter she goes to tell my husband for him to advise her
daughter. Normally is she not suppose to come to me? Please, I need advice
because i'm very confused on what to do and how to handle this. Please I
need advice.
Hmm, my sister. To say I'm speechless reading all this is an understatement. I'm glad you guys have decided to move and your landlord has agreed to refund you, cos that would have been another issue. You all need to flee. and FAST! This woman is something else. She drove the tenant before you and now you guys are moving again because of her. I pray that the next tenant that moves in will be her match and deal with her mercilessly. 

She is a strong diabolical manipulator. And what you did telling your landlady was the right thing to do. Stop feeling guilty about that. Your husband was assisting her financially and you wouldn't have known if not that you told your landlady. She sends her daughter to your husband for advice, only God knows what she will send her daughter to do with your husband next. The weird dreams from both you and your husband! Do not feel guilty at all. Rather, pack your family's bags fast.

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