Time to Reach Out & Bless a Fellow Reader is Here!
Oh Majestic Creator! We have completed another beautiful weekend serving You and worshiping Your exalted name.
As we continued to plead the blood of Your Son JESUS CHRIST over our lives, You have continued to successfully deliver us from the wicked plots of the defeated devil, his evil emissaries and his heretic human agents.
ABBA Father, a new week starts before us tomorrow. We say yes to Your perfect will
for our lives. We yield ourselves to Your manifold wisdom, because our wisdom is foolish in Your eyes.
We submit to your Holy Spirit.
Heavenly Father, over this week, we look forward with gleeful anticipation, the amazing opportunities you will lay bare before us.
May your Holy Spirit guide, direct the way for all of us seeking your help to make important decisions.
Let all of us working hard reap fruits of our labor, inspire confidence to those shattered, console those who may have lost a loved one, provide strength to those suffering from serious illness and instill hope to those weighed down with anxieties of life.
Exalted Creator, we thank You, for Your Mercies and Grace abound in our lives.. In JESUS’ Precious name we pray…AMEN!!I am reaching out to every TILB reader tonight. To my dearest Muslim readers, ''Assalamo alaikum wa rahmatullahe wa barakatohu'' - Peace be on you and the mercy and blessings of Allah.
We will all go out in joy tomorrow morning, and God will lead us forth in peace. I wish you all a Happy Week Ahead!!!
Who are you reaching out to tonight, guys?
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